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Check the backgound history of my troops (below in blue) to be added to periodically.

Our first Detachment Web hunt was a sucess, and LCP Mercenary won.

There also might be a new Stormtrooper Legion sub-faction, code named Hydra, proofs and authorization are currently pending.

SGT Orzon, our Regiment Lieutenant, has held a Chimaera Regiment Championship match. Results for Cyclone are as follows:

CPL Rath Incognito vs. LCP Mercenary:

-CPL Rath Incognito's score for

First Match:

opponent did not show, match declared forfeit

-LCP Mercenary's score for first match: did not show, match declared forfeit

CPL Rath Incognito won by default

Second Match:

-CPL Rath Incognito's score: 6 points

-LCP Mercenary's score: 4 points

CPL Rath Incognito won

Third Match:

-CPL Rath Incognito's score: 6 points

-LCP Mercenary's score: 3 points

CPL Rath Incognito won

CPL Rath Incognito vs. TRP Morias Skult:

There have been no matches played between CPL Rath Incognito and TRP Morias Skult

LCP Mercenary vs. TRP Morias Skult:

There have been no matches played between LCP Mercenary and TRP Morias Skult

If any additions or corrections need to be made to the match information above, please Contact Me

Morias Skult
LCP Mercenary
Take a tour onboard my personal flagship, the SSD Icehammer
And check out the Specs of a Sandtrooper

©Copyright 2002 Rath Incognito and the Cyclone Detachment. Cyclone is a sub-organization of The Galactic Empire
All Rights Reserved

Main Pic Courtesy of Rear-Admiral Jansen

Sand-Trooper Specs Courtesy of Fleet Admiral Taylor.
His site and all contents are copyrighted, so you MUST ask his permission and receive it in writing before taking ANYTHING off it! Used By Permission All Rights Reserved