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Cola - O-Kah?

Where I Connect

Hi peeps! Why am I so hyper? Well, firstly, you found your way to this place, and secondly...well, I'm pro'bly high on Coka Cola (Pepsi sux).
Okay, okay, enough of that. I hafta introduce myself! Here on the web, people know me as Giovanna (formerly Lady Gio, formerly annavoig9). I also like to call myself Cola Angel (don't ask me why).
This 'page' is not a website. No, you heard me right. *cups hands around mouth* It is not a website - it's a webpage leading to all of my numerous websites. Now you know why it's called Where I Connect (for you slow people, it's called that because this is where I connect all my 101 websites - ok, not 101, 102. Just joking!).
Below the bar, you'll see links leading to those sites - please treat them nicely, as they are of my flesh and blood (er, I meant: "They are of my creativity and HTML.") And (before I forget) you can reach me at No prizes as to why that's my email-addy.


| Personalia | Tortall | Silver Stuff RPG | Scoliosis Victims | ¿Name? |

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