
MASOCHRIST:: Parasite of your thoughts, clinging to every inclination. The fifth horseman of eternal despair, trampling your sanity's justification. The 13th sense afflicting your fourth eye. A blade stabbing your heart again to ensure the flowing blood tide of your slow dying life. You don't have to seek me out in hell. You don't have to die first. Your mind will bring my hell to your soul on earth It's in you and you live in it. Rampant vampire of your spirit. A padded prison for delusional imagination. Evangelistic ringmaster selling you salvation through your elimination. You don't have to seek me out in hell. You don't have to die first. Your mind will bring my hell to your soul on earth. Baptized in suffering. Repenting your existance. Washed in the blackness. Unconsciousness escapes resistance. Your soul leaves your mind. Compassion desensitized. Crucified in a negative rapture you recieve your masochrist