CLAYMORE plays disturbing evil metal that submerges the listener into a cyclone of knives and then focuses in with the finesse of a surgeon and dissects the human brain. Originating in and around Fort Smith, Arkansas, CLAYMORE began in winter of 1997 with Michael Thom on vocals and guitar, Melinda Justice on bass, and David Thom on drums with the intent of creating music that expressed 100% pure aggression through genuine artistic integrity, and musical open-mindedness like that of the bands, movies, and fiction that inspired them: Sepultura, Slayer, Cradle of Filth, Dead Kennedy”s, The Beatles, Testament, Clive Barker, H.P. Lovecraft, Poppy Z. Brite, Gladiator, Braveheart, Excalibur, just to name a few. CLAYMORE is dedicated to writing and playing music that is real to them, and they believe that listeners can tell the difference between a band that is not honest in their work and a band that is bleeding every word, breath, and note of their performances. CLAYMORE endeavored for three years, passionately mastering techniques that would be smeared across the sick canvases of songs of their own unique creation before the year 2000 when they decided they had enough original material to test before a valid audience. They played a free live, mostly punk rock, festival headlined by the only other metal act on the bill, a local called ESO-CHARIS. CLAYMORE was overwhelmed with acclaim in response to their performance. A few months later, always hoping to expand the band to a four piece with a second guitarist, the band welcomed a high school friend of David”s to play bass, Jeremy Jones, and Melinda moved to guitar, it being her original preference. The band waited a few months to adjust to their new line-up before playing live again. When they did, they were booked immediately, and after a handful of shows in local pubs and halls, a following began, whose numbers are devoted, not missing a single show. On September 18th of 2001, CLAYMORE recorded their first self-released 4 song E.P.”The Beauty of Suffering” in the studio at Valcour Sound In Tulsa, Oklahoma. It sold over 300 copies before the end of 2001. Now CLAYMORE plays regularly in the regional surrounding areas with local and national acts. One only needs to witness one of their shows to witness the aggression, the pain, the suffering, the darkness of humanity spewing forth, but let it be known from the band, it is not for the weak. (479) 783-0928 E-Mail


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