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Children Of The KoRn


Biographys, Links, Lyrics, Song Meanings, Tours, Downloads And More

The Biography Of KoRn
Song Meaning's( KoRn, life is peachy, follow the leader, issues )
Lyrics(korn, life is peachy, follow the leader, issues, untouchables and b-sides)
Info On Queen Of The Damned (feat. Jon Davis)
KoRn Video And Music Downloads
Tour (The Tour With No Name 2002)
KoRn Webpage

Yeah, I Got Bored Okay!.. I still love KoRn, there is no fault there. It's just I can't be arsed updating this site anymore cos most of my life now is spent so bolluxed off my face i have no clue what html is... got a problem?.. email me... ( Lot's of Lurves and Kisses, Saz x x x