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Chantille Salis

Long golden hued curls cascade over those delicate shoulders and frames those flawless features of near perfection. Doe like eyes house the most heavenly, crystaline blue pools. Pink petal soft lips can hold the most sweetest and alluring of dimpled smiles. Egyptian silks encase that curvatious form in the most complimentary of manners. Perfection created by an Egyptian father and Nordic mother. Soft skin holds a bronze coloration.

When in public alone, she's always wearing a scarf to cover her hair and a veil that shields features from glancing gazes that rests just below that curious gaze.

How unfortunate it is that you can't chose your parents. Her mother, she was blessed with, her father was a tyrant who enslaved his many wives and children borne. She, herself, had felt the wrath of his ire many times when he was displeased, with either her own duties or those of others and she was just the nearest thing to unleash upon. She learned to not show tears at an early age, by 7 she had learned how to endure the pain until able to be alone and then the weeping began. How does one love such a person who weilds a cruel hand? It's easy when it's the only life you know and the person is your own flesh and blood, your father.

Once chores were done, and her master/father had settled in for the night with one of his many wives, it was then they would enjoy what little freedoms of enjoyment were to be had. Taking long leasurly walks within the gardens at night by torchlight, since during the day there were chores to perform, very rarely would such sights be enjoyed by the light of day. She would enjoy the company of her many half sisters and brothers, until they became of age to be sold or traded off.

At the tender age of 14, the eldest of her sisters were sold to a passing noble in a caravan, this leaving her the eldest of the female children in the home. This was when she took over the part of entertaining her fathers guests with dances or just being something for them to paw over until they passed out from too much drink. When not performing these duties, she tended to her fathers home, ensuring it was properly cleaned. If any shirked their duties, it was not they who paid, but her by feeling the whip lash against the bare skin of her back and legs.

It was upon her 16th year that a Sultan came to visit their home and the feast of feasts were prepared for the dignitaries visit. She danced her best that evening, her mood as light as the way her tiny form flowed over the floor. The Sultan became intrigued, and upon hearing that virtue was still intact, he demanded ownership of the little dancer to her fathers utmost delight. Arrangements were then made that upon her 19th birthday he would come to claim her as his newest conquest for a wife. He told her father she had better be kept as she was now, untouched, or his head would be resting upon a silver platter.

Thus she was sheltered from those groping hands and unwashed bodies of the men who frequently visited. But that was the only change that would take place in her life, as all others remained intact.

Her father/master was a greedy tyrant indeed, and would steal from his own mother if it ment it would turn a profit for himself. The very Sultan who would visit her frequently awaiting the day of her age of taking, was one who her fathers dishonest dealings would burn in a manner that would change all their lives forever.

Upon finding out about her fathers underhanded dealings, the Sultan arranged an army and attacked the homestead she had lived all her life. The Sultan himself took the distinct pleasure in ending her fathers life, and while he and his guards were busy rounding up all the women and children of the harem, her mother relinquished her own life to see that her only daughter would escape from the life they had lived.

While the fires burned, young children and women fled in screams of fear only to be captured, she found a way out, via a small cavern close to where they lived and thusly escaped to find a friend of one of her older sisters who held servatude to a local merchant. This woman aided her with coins for passage, and a few more in which to live on once she got far from the arid lands. It was then she found herself upon a ship and the open sea, bound towards an unknown land and culture, not to mention the many other things never before seen by a woman raised in a sheltered life and in a land devoid of most vegitation, wild life and surrounded by mainly those much like herself.

The land of the free was a terrifying place to be sure and this whisp of a woman, in all her curiosity, would try to find her place within it, hoping to never be captured again and made a slave. But nor would she turn against her superiors, which was any free man who would look at her, and thusly cause her to kneel out of habit and lower her eyes in respect as she prepared to serve, if that was the life she was destined to live.

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