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~ Thursday, January 31, 2002
Well I had what you could call a odd day!! Today was payday and I had to go pick up my check. Sadie my dog jump in my van and wanted to go so bad, so I let her (mistake #1). Of course she got sick. But anyway I found what I am gonna get Riptide for Valentines!!! YEPIE!! He is so hard to shop for I can't ever find the right gift for him.
~ Wednesday, January 30, 2002
Well I didn't get the design changed on my page tonight! I will try to get it done later. Right now I am tired and going to sleep!!!
Well I think the counter is up and running. Guess I will find out soon enough.
~ Tuesday, January 29, 2002
Well tonight I am gonna try to change the design of the page. I hope this works! I am also gonna try and get a counter up and running, but I'm not sure if I will be able to or not. Mr2 said something about me learning HTML. I guess I am gonna have to or this page will never truly be mine....
~ Monday, January 28, 2002
Well I finially did it. With the help of my friend Mr2, I started my own web page!!!!

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