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 Live Journal

 Visual Stimulation





image courtesy of viking



The current mood of at

Date: 04.08.03
Time: 6:15pm

Haven't updated in a while. So heres whats going on.
I might change the entire layout of this site. If I 
do, some sections might be down for a while so please
be patient.
Will be adding some new fashion links soon, so keep
a look out for that. 
Well I guess that's about it for now.
Will update more soon. xxx 

Date: 11.13.02 Time: 9:00pm Finally things are a bit more up to my standards. I needed to update some of the links, just finished up the music section, put links to many more bands and new industrial/gothic radio links too! Next I will be adding new photos of yours truly. :) Also will be putting up a section dedicated to my love for platform boots. Well I think that's it for now... Enjoy! :)

Date: 11.11.02 Time: 5:00am Just added 43 links to the fashion section! This was long overdue! All of the links with the little flashing star means they were recently added. Will be working on the music and visual stimulation sections soon. Check back for more updates!

Date: 10.16.02 Time: 5:19am Just added one more new style to the devil horns section, its called "twisted" so check it out. Also added a shopping cart method for purchasing through PayPal...Makes things less confusing and more professional looking. I'm thinking about starting a customer gallery at some point. So for those of you that have already bought or intend to buy a pair of horns, send me pictures of you wearing them! I guess thats it for now, enjoy! :)
Date: 10.08.02 Time: 4:35am Updated my devil horns section. Just added three new styles of horns. There are spiral, spiked, and kitty ears. New pictures to go with them too.Halloween is coming up and a pair of these would be a perfect touch for your halloween costume. Go to the "Horny" section or click here to check them out. Thanks!
Date: 9.27.02 Time: 1:12am Just added a Guestbook. Go to it now, and sign it! Ummm...Pretty please with sugar on top? heeheh.

Date: 9.15.02 Time: 3:35am Just added five new picturesthat were taken on Friday the 13th. Also plan to add a guestbook soon! bye
Date: 9.06.02 Time: 7:35pm It seems that the little message box that was on my site isn't working properly, it forwards me the email but not the message itself. So I've decided to remove it from my site. If you wish to contact me please go to the contact section. My apologies to everyone who has tried to contact me through the message box.
Date: 8.29.02 Time: 4:05am Doing a little updating on the site. I am now selling handmade devil horns, get yours now before halloween! To view them go here ++devil horns++. Also started a wish list section. Buy me stuff? Added a couple of new pictures too! Well thats it for now. Enjoy! :)
Date: 8.10.02 Time: 3:34pm Just added the "journal" and "link swap" sections. So if anyone is interested in swapping links or reading my thoughts/rants then check it out.
Date: 8.07.02 Time: 4:13am Just started writing in my live journal.I will be making a section on the site for it too but for now if you want to view it go +here+ Nothing special just my ramblings.
Date: 7.29.02 Time: 1:28am Well as you may notice I've added some banners to my site, need more traffic so please click on them to help me out.
In the near future I will be adding a live journal even though my life is boring as hell I'm sure I can think of something to say hehe.
I won my first award! Much thanks to Cole at NuclearPanties. My panties are approved, are yours? Go there now!
HELLo! Welcome to I'm in the process of trying to make this site a little more user friendly so bare with me if some pages are down.
This is my personal webpage that is absolutely pointless but I guess that proves how much free time I have on my hands.
Here you will find a little info on your hostess (me) and links to many dark sites.
If you have any comments or questions please go to the right side of the page and fill out that little box.


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++All artwork,images and photos on my site are copyrighted and are used with permission by the original artist. Images and photos are not for the taking. The image on my entrance page is by David Ho please check out his website.++

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