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Ok I need you to log into your LJ account and then go to Manage on the drop down menu and then to customize


Please click on customize and it should bring you to a screen that says

Customize Journal Choose style system Do you want to use the old style system, or the new one? Then has a drop down menu that says :old system (S1): and :New system: (S2) make sure it is on the OLD SYSTEM (S1)

Then below that it should say

Using S1 The old style system is configured through the Modify Journal page.

Click on Modify Journal and it should bring you up to this screen...

make sure on page layout style everything is on Generator BUT Calendar Calendar needs to be on Default Calendar

Once you finshed that scroll down to the Color theme
Above the Usage Area Color box it will say Default Theme and under that it will say Custom Colors select the custom colors.
then scroll down to the Usage Area Color I know you won't understand anything here so all I want you to do is copy and paste these codes into the box I tell you to the codes are:

Page background: Leave blank put no code in that space
Page text: #000000
Page link: #DF0000
Page visited link: #DF0000
Page active link: #DF0000
Page emphasized text: #DF0000
Page title: #000000
Weak accent: Leave Blank
Text on weak accent: #000000
Strong accent: Leave Blank
Text on strong accent: #000000 Stronger accent: Leave blank
Text on stronger accent: #000000

Make sure the number sign and the number/letters are all in the little box..

your screen should look like this

Now what I need you to do is scroll down till you see a box that says OVERRIDES I want you to copy and paste this large code into the override box

The Large code will be sent to you email account

it will look like this

Last but not least! is MOOD ICONS!!! WOO WOO there will be a drop down bar on what mood icon you want pick you icon you want you can preview them by clicking the preview button on far right side of the screen just CLICK IT!!

once you finshed that click save changes at the very bottom of the screen and you're ready to go! hope you like the set up!