4:17 PM / Friday, October 8      cmnts

here i am. just testing. testing. testing. GRRRRR.

                         <3 kateybird

       10:18 AM / Tuesday, June 15      cmnts

i've been busy with my boyfriend and working. thats all my life seems to be now, this summer. no trying to find friends to hang out with, no cruising (until i can bump with my new system), no summer feeling so far. it will feel like summer when my boyfriend and i stop working so much and start getting less tired all of the time. currently, by the time we see each other, we are both so burnt out and tired, we sit and watch Lakers vs. Pistons or a movie. its somewhat dull for summer, but thats all the energy we have to do things right now. next time i see him, i will try to get him to brainstorm ideas with me on what we could do to change this.

yesterday, he came over with two new games for me! he's an ebay fanatic, so once he finds a game on there he thinks i would like, he buys them. i tell him how dangerous that is, with his limited income, but i'm very appreciative. he came over before i had to go to work for a while, and after i worked, (<3!!) where we spent the majority of the time playing one of the two new games, a beautiful Contra III: The Alien Wars cartridge for the SNES. oh, the fluttering in my heart. i really recommend it... its the glorious 8 bits of spiff that makes the whole system worthwhile... sigh.

well i'm off to find something healthy to eat for breakfast. i've been gaining weight lately, so i have to end that before it gets out of my control... blah!
                         <3 kateybird

katelyn. also known as carbon or kakeline. 7teen, Nov 13 '86. sXe. iowa. linkin park, thrice, afi. add me, ~xxtempest. gamer. loser pants! mmm, sugar. inside jokes. writing, art, the mind. xoxo. ___more » click.
hostess: johanna. friends: sara. heather. exits: coming. thanks: blogger, haloscan, haughty.org, color remix, adobe and jasc, images. you <3