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Review of

Bring it Back

(Demo) by One up Grunt
Good, but reproduce...

I like the opening... nice guitar work.. good drum sounds... dark atmosphere, good bass... bass recording needs a bit of work... mix needs some work.. too much vocal, not enough of other stuff... good style overall... vocals flow well.. lots of potential... take this to a good studio and get a good engineer or producer and you've got something..
Extra Credit: Drums, Mood

- college_rock College Station, Texas
Review of

Bring it Back

(Demo) by One up Grunt
*Bring it all the way back

I love the vocals in this exept in the the chorus where it goes deep....maybe try keeping the same but try some vocals effects, the guitar rhythm is nice to. overall i like this song
- wbone_collector Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Review of

Bring it Back

(Demo) by One up Grunt
Intro is better than the actual song

I like the intro, makes me curious of what's coming next... too bad that's the best part of the song. As long as they keep their mouths shut it's very good. I guess this is just not my type of music...
- agmina Amsterdam, Nh, Netherlands
Review of

Bring it Back

(Demo) by One up Grunt
Turn Around - Watch your back

Catchy instrumental hook. Kinda raised the hair on the back of my neck. I do not mean this in a bad way. If this was intentional you did an excellent job of elliciting this reaction. If it was by accident never admit it :)
Extra Credit: Melody, Mood
- abussell Warren, Michigan
Review of

Bring it Back

(Demo) by One up Grunt
Dark from the begining

Dark intro, deep as hell. Lyrics are phat. Guitars, bass and Drums really mix well together. Singer needs to refine his voice a tad. Very heavy track, but is missig a bridge to go along wit it all.
Extra Credit: Guitars, Lyrics
Special Award: Best Potential Movie Soundtrack
- Draw2vox East Brunswick, New Jersey
Review of

No Sense

by One up Grunt
these fella gots sum stylez

Pretty sweet song, got some nice KoRn sounding bits (da chorus) and the rapping style is consistent and quite mean, good production sound, especially drums. Oh just one downer I don't think the guitar solo is really suitable for this kinda of song, sweet and good luck.
- drsleazy Auckland, Albany, New Zealand
Review of

No Sense

by One up Grunt

I like the idea of this, the rap and the mad chorus. I like the lyrics in the verses, but don't feel they go 100% with the backing. Sounds a bit like Bizkit, bet it goes down a storm live. Towards the end of the track things get hecktic, the mix doesn't bring it out but again, I think live it would start a mosh pit.
- Lampton Newbury, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Review of

No Sense

by One up Grunt
da hora...

Som muito divertido... acrenalina pura, falta um pouico de musicalidade nisso, mas tudo bem... não gostei de vocal gritado, o outro é legal.
Extra Credit: Drums, Production, Beat
- Deneasy São Paulo, Brazil
Review of

No Sense

by One up Grunt
Brilliant work

the guitar and bass intro blends nice. Ohh sh*t, the bass is PHat. that sounds killer, awesome groove. the rappin' is good, not much to comment on there, you got that under control,sounds good. If you properly push this song it could make it on the radio,for sure. Good job goin' mellow to heavy.
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Bass, Production, Lyrics, Melody, Mood
Special Award: Best Potential Movie Soundtrack
- Nomo_Jonze Santa Barbara, California

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