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   Download track "nuke or not"


:: Discography ::  

v/a - The Noise Department sampler edition 2001

The Noise Dept.
Sampler Ed. 01

(TND007 04/'01)

TND Sampler Edition 2001

Features 2 tracks

Gyszcloy (track 13)
Uzbezjyr (track 14)


Featured artists:
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - Ex IQ - Grafter - Gogmagog
Reality's Despair - NG-PRO and S.C.R.E.D.

200 copies made. First 95 given away, rest was sold.
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'Xytrobuzyrrwe' EP

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe

(TND008 05/'01)


8 Tracks - Total playing time app. 31min.

a:\Hasloses (Intro)
g:\Desirhar (Broken Desire Mix by P•A•L)
h:\Uzbezjyr (Poltergeist Edit)

50 copies made.

First 10 copies included the sticker on the frontsleeve.
No. 11-25 contained a photo of both members.
No. 26-50 had nothing enclosed.


Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - '7 Blocks Ahead' MP3CD

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe
'7 Blocks Ahead'

(137472 09/'01)

7 Blocks Ahead CD

7 Tracks including mp3 data.

1. Restless drifting in your eyes between your ears v2
2. Farhunew
3. Uzbezjyr
4. 10101010
5. Gyszcloy
6. Intensed attention for ignoration
7. I suppose the dobermann does not like my violin...


Still available
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'Xytrobuzyrrwe' MP3CD

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe

(177598 01/'02)

Xytrobuzyrrwe CD

8 Tracks - Total playing time app.36min.

1. Hasloses (Intro)
2. Desirhar
3. Uzbezjyr
4. Aftyrwuz
5. Farhunew
6. Pryzpruw
7. Desirhar (Broken Desire Mix by P•A•L)
8. Uzbezjyr (Poltergeist Edit)
9. Cucaruuz (Bonustrack)

Still available
  Elektrauma vol. 6 [Triton/Side-line 2CD]

Elektrauma vol. 6

Triton 041 DCD

Elektrauma 6 Sampler

34 Tracks on 2 cds

CD B (Traum B) track 8 features:
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - Disposable [NöizE Club Edit]

Buy at

Still available
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'Disposable' Mcd

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe

(216171 - 01/07/'02)

Disposable Mcd

4 Tracks - Total playing time app.22 min.

1. Disposable (Indisposable Mix)
2. Desirhar (Fullfilled Desire Mix by P•A•L)
3. Disposable (NöizE Club Version)
4. < off topic > (Ignited Remix)

Now Available!
  Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'Untamed' Mcd

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe

(217236 - 15/07/'02)

Untamed Mcd

5 Tracks - Total playing time app.22 min.

1. Untamed
2. Malfunction as a gift
3. Restless drifting in your eyes between your ears [altered]
4. Untamed [Vox 2.1]
5. Noizebox #1

Now available!
  Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - '<off topic>'

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe
'<off topic>'

(217518 - 01/08/'02)

<off topic> CD

11 Tracks - Total playing time app. 60 min.

1. Untamed
2. Subdevision 6.9
3. Steroid
4. Over - out and dead
5. Disposable
6. Mode 1
7. Float (Part I+II)
8. Disorgasm
9. I suppose the dobermann does not like my violin...
10. Nuke or not
11. <off topic>

Now available!
  Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'Mode 1'

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe
'Mode 1'

(221983 - 15/08/'02)

Mode1 Mcd

5 Tracks - Total playing time
app. 26 min.

1. Mode 1
(Stealth Mode Edit by #livid)
2. The violin loves the doberman...
(Remix by The Tleilaxu Music Machine)
3. Noizebox #2
4. Disorgasm
(Remix by n0 humans a110wed)
5. 10101010
(Buzz Off Edit + Bonustrack "Antra")

Soon available!
  Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe - 'DUMNN - demo'

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe
'DUMNN - demo'

(221990 -
15/08/'02 )

DUMNN - demo CD

5 Tracks - Total playing time
app. ?? min.

1. Disposable (Indisposable Mix)
2. Untamed
3. Mode 1
4. Nuke or not
5. Noizebox #2

Only a selection of tracks to be featured on this special demo release!!! Specially made for dj's, labels and zines...

:: Biography ::

The one and only reason why he started this side-project;
He made some tracks that didn't fit into the previous Ex IQ sound. These new 'technoid' tracks would be better off for a new album so Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe was born in Nov. 2000. The name actually means nothing. Except that - if it's pronounced well, you can actually hear what the music is like;
Shrieking noises, rolling thunder loops and distorted/filtered rhythm efx. The response about the new-mysterious-project-from-the-Netherlands was over-whelming. As YZ got loads of offers to perform live on stage by booking-agencies from The Netherlands and even the USA(!), the time came to get a live-set together.
The year 2001 passed by with some ups; Tanja was asked to join live, the first self-released EP Xytrobuzyrrwe and MP3 cd 7 Blocks Ahead - and downs; She had to terminate her creative influence in January 2002…Since Oct. 2001, [Yrrwe] is fully working on new material for Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe. After the departure of Tanja, he found his new direction on his own and the style was set - More distortion and more rhythm, led to the release of 3 Mcd's (Disposable/Untamed/Mode 1) and the full length CD <off topic> in August. And it's not done yet...
Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe had some member changes this year. Which I still regret that it happened so quickly within the past half-year. I now hope that I finally found the member to end this project together. Naturally, this won't happen soon! Lynn, welcome!
We're now fully concentrating ourselves in future live perfomances during Winter 2002/2003 to meet the people who are interested in this new young project. And, if a label is interested in signing, feel free to contact Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe for a free demo.
The saga continues, the mystery returns, the music gets trickier, the ambience gets darker but most of all...

Yrrwe Zsuzyrrwe gets HARSHER!

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