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New Member Survey Form


This survey is for anyone wishing to become a member of GASP. Please fill in all the information and submit the form. 

I will the review the survey and add your name to the Members page. 

Any information provided here will NOT be shared outside of the club. 

If there are any problems, e-mail me.





        Full Name (required):



        E-Mail Address (required):    



        Street Address:



        City:                                                   State:            Zip Code: 



        Phone:                                Age:





        How/where/from whom did you hear about GASP?



        Please list your gaming interests?



        What days of the week are you available for gaming?



        Please list any special skills i.e. HTML knowledge, artistic ability, writing skills, etc.



        Would you like to help run GASP?
        (newsletter, recruitment, event co-ordinator for game days, etc.)



        One of GASP's future goals is to become associated with the RPGA as a recognized gaming club.
        Would you be willing to join the RPGA? (annual cost less than $20)



Already a member


Do you attend, or would you like to attend, any gaming conventions throughout the year?


If so, would you be willing to run GASP sponsored events?





We currently have some game specific mailing lists. Please check all you would be interested in.
(You will still get all general mail.)

Battleground WWII (miniature wargame)

Battletech (giant killer robots)

GASP World (monthly shared fantasy RPG campaign)

Living Greyhawk (RPGA shared world)

Paintball (capture the flag with paintball guns)

SCAR CarWars (the Road Warrior meets Micro Machines)

          Warmaster (Games Workshop fantasy battles in small scale)