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Welcome to the Maelstrom of Malevolence Warhammer Campaign Website.

  The Spring 2003 Campaign is just getting ready to go!

  The Maelstrom of Malevolence Warhammer Campaign is a territory-based Warhammer Fantasy campaign.  All armies start with a modified 1500 pt army. Battles are fought for domination of territories which bring additional bonuses and advantages to your army.  With each victory, your general grows in power and prowess.  Your army grows in strength and size. Your mages become wiser and deadlier in the arts.

  The Campaign is loosely organized. You can choose how much you wish to participate.  It’s about gaming when you can, not committing all of your free time.  There is no such thing as mandatory battles, specific days you must play, etc.  Most times, we just schedule our own battles. 

  The campaign is based at Phantom of the Attic, 214 S Craig Street  in Oakland, Pittsburgh's BEST Game Store!  They have a great game room with fully scenicked battlefields and have generously allowed us to use it for the campaign.  Click here if you need directions. 


  Don’t have a 1500 point army yet? Don’t know how to play Warhammer Fantasy? Become an Ally!

Allies are mercenaries who fight alongside a regular 1500 point army.  Your general and units gain experience just like a regular army.  It's an excellent choice for those still getting their armies together. Alternatively, being an Ally is great way to learn the Warhammer Fantasy game.  

  Contact us here if you have questions or want to know what's going on.


Rules can be found here. Choose your poison.

HTML  format or Word 2000 document format.


The Book of Blood

Record your armies glorious victories or shameful defeats here.


Mailing List

Sign up for our mailing list here.  Post rules questions, berate your opponents and schedule battles all in one place.  Rules errata and clarifications can also be found there. Plus occansional polls and a group calendar of campaign and other gaming events.


Armies of the Campaign

The battle results table can be found here.

Major Combatants

Andrew's Savage Orc & Goblin Horde  Brian's Dark Elves Chris's Wood Elves
John's Army of the Empire Les' Strigoi Mark's Vampire Counts
Matt's Dwarven Throng of Borri Borrigan Mike's Blood Dragon Legion of Gore






Games Workshop Official Site  

Go here for the latest and best news and Warhammer game information.

Army Builder  

Still building your army list the old fashioned way? Get into the 21st century and check out this great software.


Pittsburgh Area Gaming Clubs
Pittsburgh Iron Legion (PIL) Gaming Association of Southwestern Pennsylvania (GASP)


Email the webmaster.