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Epic Penumbral Lord

(Prestige Class)

The darkness hides great power and knowledge, and those willing to delve in may find it. Those best suited for this are the penumbral lords, who use the powers of shadow to attack, conceal, confuse, and beguile. Those who reach the pinnacle of that prestige class discover that even deeper secrets await those wo have proven strong enough to reach them. These few become so involved with shadows that it begins to change them, and not always for the better.

Penumbral lords favor dark, billous clothing, and they especially like deep hoods, which hide the features of their faces from others.

Hit Die: d4


Character Level: Must have completed the Penumbral Lord prestige class.

Class Skills: Same as those for the Penumbral Lord.

Skill Points per level: 2 + Int modifier

Table: The Dragon Slayer

Class Level Special Spells per Day
11 Shadowcasting V +1 level of existing class
12 Shadow Form Made True +1 level of existing class
13 Shadowcast VI +1 level of existing class
14 Shadow Lord form +1 level of existing class
15 Shadowcast VII +1 level of existing class
16 Shadow Creatue +1 level of existing class
17 Shadowcast VIII +1 level of existing class
18 Shade +1 level of existing class
19 Shadowcast XI +1 level of existing class
20 Strength Drain +1 level of existing class


All of the following are class features of the epic penumbral lord prestige class.

Spells per Day: Unlike before, when a penumbral lord gained spells specific to it's class, the epic penumbral lord's knowledge breaks through back to ots original class, and gains knowledge from there. Each level of epic penumbral lord gains the character the spells of the next level of their chosen magic class.


Shadow Form Made True: Now the epic penumbral lord's transformations become true versions of their namesake, not just flat shadows that differ in their form of movement. The epic penumbral lord can now become a real shadowcat or shadowraven, and have all of the supernatural and extraordinary abilities of these creatures while doing so, and they stay 3D. They may, of course, still choose to take the old forms they once had. He also gains the ability to become a shadow of himself at will. In this form, he is all blackness and benefits fromt the incorporeal special quality, minus the fact that he is not invisible, unless he is standing in shadows or total darkness.

Shadowlord form: The epic penumbral lord can now assume the form and powers of a shadow lord. The only difference here is that the penumbral lord does not benefit from the Undead special quality, as they are not themselves undead. This for can be assumed three times per da and maintained for a number of minutes equal to the character's level of penumbral lord. All character abilities are usable in this form. If the character is mimicking another person when the time limit subsides, they remain in this form until the instant they cease to, and are disoriented for a round thereafter.

Shadow Creature: At 16th level, the character's connection and exposure to the Plane of Shadow causes him to become a shadow creature version of himself. In essence the player adds the shadow creature template from the Manual of the Planes to their character.

Shade: As the connection to the Shadow Plane continues to get stronger, their physical forms change even more. At 18th level, their souls are consumed by the Shadow Plane and the character becomes a shade. The character adds the Shade template from The Forgotten Realms Core Rulebook.

Strength Drain (Su): Now at the pinnacle of their power, the epic penumbral lord's connection to the Shadow Plane breaks through to the Negative Energy Plane, causing those who touch them to feel it. Just as the touch of a real shadow drains Strength, now so does the penumbral lord's. This ability can be deactivated to allow friendly contact.

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