Top Ways to Tell if you go to Ursuline

I didn't make these up...but enjoy:

1.) You know the meaning of the words "work" and "study" but don't care enough to enforce them
2.) You have mastered the art of cheating
3.) The minute school is over you look like you just got out of a Britney Spears video
4.) You get a kick out of being able to wear pajamas to school
5.) You've gotten detention atleast once for either wearing the wrong colored knee socks, not tucking in your shirt, or having too many people at your lunch table
6.) By the time you hit 9th grade you had figured out how to get yourself in and out of your house without your parents knowing
7.) You're either obsessed with Dave Matthews...or are a complete teeny bopper
8.) You have only one pep rally per school year
9.) You parents spend over 300 bux a year on your school books
10.) You're parents bought you a car
11.) You DON'T wear a cross
12.) Schools with shorts can kiss your skirt
13.) You're blonde, or once were...naturally or not...or wish you were...
14.) Drinking isn't just a hobby for you - it's a career...
15.) You've been caught drinking at one time or another
16.) You conclude that the nuns are bitches due to lack of sex
17.) You are a closet whore
18.) You want to or have wanted to be a coyote. You know what I'm talking about...
19.) You procrastinate like it's your job
20.) You are the meaning of the saying: "Sex is evil, sex is sin, all sins are forgiven, so let's begin!"
21.) At least one of your friends will have thought they were pregnant by your junior year of highschool
22.) You spend many theology classes listening to your teacher preach about the church's take on premarital sex
23.) When you meet people for the first time they know you went to catholic school because "catholic school girls are CRAZY!"
24.) You've shoplifted at some point in your life...and broken many other laws for that matter
25.) You don't know anyone in your class that hasn't cheated atleast once
26.) "Only the Good Die Young" is a song to live by
27.) You play volleyball, basketball, or swim. You like to cheer, but you hate cheerleaders
28.) At least one of your friends is named Katie, Meghan, or Lauren
29.) You have sworn that you will never, ever send your kids to Catholic school
30.) Everyone knows about everyone else's business
31.) Most of the teachers are in on the student body's gossip
32.) You know the importance of "Veggie Tales"
33.) You've slid down the hill infront of the convent before when there's snow on the ground - either on your skirt or lunch tray
34.) The failing grade is 68%
35.) Your reaction to that 68% is to laugh, not cry
36.) The parking lot SUCKS
37.) You'd rather take off your shirt and throw it at HER then hear "Shirt Tails ladies!"
38.) You drink excessively on the weekend.
39.) Your idea of a "different" weekend is drinking a new kind of alcohol
40.) The field outback is used for a soccer field, 2 softball fields, and a track
41.) You want to take up hunting, to shoot the geese because they're taking up your soccer, softball fields, and track
**but then you realize the janitors do a good enough job chasing them around with the lawnmower**
42.) There's only one male teacher in the whole school...and he's married to another teacher...and they both never leave the trailer...
43.) The janitors are always extra friendly...
44.) So are the construction workers...
45.) You can burp louder than ANY guy you know..and are extremely proud of it
46.) You think you've found a really good guy until you find out 3 of your friends have been with him already
47.) Everyone has a locker in the locker room shared by all 390 girls at the same time
48.) Locker Room=Senior Lounge=Team Room=Sick Bay=hideout when you skip
49.) By the end of the year, you owe 50$ to everyone in the school for break money
50.) You often pay for lunch on a piece of paper
51.) You're going to hell for manipulating a nun
52.) It takes less than 3 minutes to do a complete round of the entire school
53.) You celebrate "Happy Hug Day"
54.) You often tell either Ms. Sandel, Mrs. Lytel, or Mrs. Tomasse a full account of what's going on in your life at the time
55.) Looking for some toilet paper? Janitor's closet is always open
56.) You get yelled at atleast once a day for "wandering"
57.) Other people's parents think you are a "great influence" on their child's life
58.) You laugh at that
59.) You graduate in a white dress - no cap and gown
60.) In your earlier Ursuline years you would give anything to be able to attend a Xaverian football/basketball/volleyball game...but when you got there did nothing but run around the bleachers
61.) You are good friends with someone who's dream it is to go to B.C.
62.) You have often decked yourself out in jewelry and makeup...eventhough you're completely surrounded by girls
63.) You've ridden the Xaverian Bus at some point...and have been really excited about it
64.) At least one girl passes out at mass
65.) You are quite curious as to who works behind the "drop off tray" area
66.) You miss Chef Steve
67.) There is ALWAYS a drama. Days of our Lives can be compared to ursuline girls' lives
68.) Your entire tuition goes to the convent...aren't nuns supposed to live in poverty??
69.) You sit with the same lunch table everyday...and pretty much every year
70.) Random Pictures of waterfalls, snowflakes, sea animals, etc. are hanging on the walls of the Tea Room
71.) There is no cafeteria. Only the Tea Room.
72.) Either you are incredibly dramatic, or couldn't give a rat's ass
73.) You have owned at least one pair of Doc.'s
74.) There's a guillotine in one of the classrooms...and you know which one it is
75.) Gymnasium=auditorium="sport's arena"=church
76.) At least one of your friends has a cape house
77.)"The Naj" has special meaning to only a lucky few of you
78.) You can pray in another language
79.) You can't escape through the windows...due to the way they open
80.) The grass on the field is yellow, brown, and a little green
81.) One of your favorite books is a Tale of Two Cities
82.) Ferris Bueller is THE MAN
83.) 6 grades...51 different towns...390 girls...2 hallways
84.) You tried to fail the entrance exam in 6th grade...tried harder in 8th grade...and still had to come here
85.) You think you look cute in your uniform
86.) The curtains look like deal shrouds
87.) You never atually read David Copperfield
88.) You've either stapled, sewed, or saftey-pinned your skirt and some point...during class
89.)There's at least one girl in your grade that just pisses you off
90.) You'd be willing to bit off your left arm just so you'd have something to throw at that girl
91.) If a guy, of any age or stature, walks into the school, everyone follows him with her eyes and stops everything they're doing until he is gone...and then he's the topic of everyone's conversation
92.) You refer to those who live in Israel, "Israelites"
93.) You've tanned out on the tennis courts during break or lunch at least once
94.) You are very proud of the 3 black stundents that attend your school because you convince that they make the student body "diverse"
95.) You don't know how to use the dishwasher/iron/vacuum/washing machine...etc...
96.) You start planning for the prom in December
97.) You swear your skirt will last you the rest of your years at Ursuline regardless of the number of saftey pins holding it together, pen or marker colorings, or stains it has
98.) Every conversation eventually leads to boobs, your period, or some other disgusting topic
99.) You have no problem joking about being a lesbian
100.) But have questions about many of your classmantes actually being one
101.) Walking down the halls linking arms with your girl friends is not only normal - but expected
102.) All of your friends are hot
103.) Your nurse: a part time bio teacher who passes out Flinstone vitamins two afternoons a week
104.) The random outlets in the halls serve many purposes: stereos, cellphone chargers, curling irons, straighteners...etc...
105.) The bookstore sells "ugly wugglies"...and you've wanted one
106.) You've stolen atleast one green uniform sweatshirt from the lockerroom closet
107.) You've gotten yelled at our gotten detention for wearing a colored bra
108.) There are bells, actual cow bells, in every classroom
109.) You still don't know why there are phones in the hallway
110.) You know 20 different ways to say "boner" and you made them all up with your friends during mass
111.) You don't like the "v" word, but "penis" is use as often as "the"
112.) Your car is either gren or white, or it has the Ursuline emblem on it
113.) You get rewarded with candy
114.) The clocks never tell the right time
115.) The lights in the classroom are like the lights in interrogation rooms
116.) All the teachers under age 30 are pregnant and you laugh at them when they try to climb or descend the stairs
117.) You tell those teachers that they should have been "safe"
118.)"All Roads lead to __________" has a different meaning in every class
119.) You dated or hooked up with a Mike, Brian, or John
120.) Chewing gum in class might as well be a sin
121.) You haven't gone on a field trip since elementary school
122.) You found out during these years at UA: "Procrastination is like maturbation: in the end, you're ownly screwing yourself" and "fighting for peace is like banging for virginity"
123.) In class, there are atleast 4 people sleeping or staring out the window at the geese
124.) You give a new meaning to the word "sarcasm"
125.) You know where atleast half of your teachers live