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Tori's Diet Page


My Personal Pages
About Me
# Chart updated
B 4 Pix
Progress Pix
After Pix
Weightloss 4 Life
Diet Planning
Behavior Change
Weight Cycling
Walking 4 Weight Loss
Fitness - Key 2 Weightloss
Water 4 Weightloss
What About Fat?
That's My Home
Recipe Goldmine
WW Recipes
WW Recipes info site.


The Walking Site

Net Sweat

Choose to Move

Personal Pages

These are personal websites. I have looked them over, and where some are  Christian most are not. I have listed them because I have found valuable info to help those who are in the process of losing or maintaining. Visit at your own discretion. I have found the jewels on these sites and I have left the rest.


Linda - IFB
 Lori's Weightloss  missionary wife in Australia - IFB
The New Me
Aimee's Adventure
Dotti's Weight Loss Zone
Getting 2 Goal
Darlene Elizabeth
Weight Watchers
Health Discovery

Success Stories

WW Success Stories

The Weigh We Were






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 My Diet

My  quest for health and physical happiness.

Really all my life I have been larger than others my age. I mean even in high school, I wasn't fat but I was still larger than all my friends. I was married at 18 and 145 lbs. So I was over weight, per say.

So here I am, 31 and 221 lbs. I have been aware of my problem with weight forever and have gone on many diets. Most work really well in the beginning and then I get satisfied at that alright size and end up quitting, only to put it all back on plus some. I know that many women go through this same cycle year after year.

Well I'm 31 and I really don't want to live the rest of my life like this, I want to live and enjoy life. Buy clothes anywhere and look nice in them. Have a normal self esteem instead of always worrying that people are looking at me.

So here I am, September 17th, starting Weight Watcher's Flex Points plan. I'm very excited and can't wait to weigh-in next Tuesday.

I'll be posting all my stats and info here for any who want to follow along. Thanks so much for stopping by.







And Let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

                                                   Galatians 6:9




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