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 MSN Messenger14/Nov/01

This is a Great Game!!!!

UltimateGamer from Florida, USA says (22/Dec/2002):
  Whoever said that it sucks, is mistaken. This just show that you are not a true gamer. If you remember, NBA Jam for the classic platforms (i.e. genisis, super) there was only three players, and they always said things like in "Street". Try a new concept: rent first, buy second....DUH. I think that this game is like NBA Jam. It has better graphics, of course. It is a game that you can just play. It is great.


A gamer from Ft. Walton says (21/Dec/2002):
  It sucks because of the sound, gameplay, and graphics. Mostly the thing that makes this game so horible is that really annoying guy that says the stupidest things. Example "You Go MJ" in the most annoying voice. And that is not how you play basketball. There is no time and there are only 3 people on each team. I serously hope you don't buy this stupid game. It wasted my money and time and it will do to you too.


Nicholas Hawthorne says (6/Nov/2002):
  finally they put out a game that apeals to the black community more than a slow pased run stop shoot basketball although it was surrounded by meaningless hype it could have been better although it did satsify me. the moves were verry clean and it wasnt a push any button and hope the right thing comes out like i expected after seeing e.v.o. i shocked me and i really enjoyed it

NBA Street

Whodi from Deerfield Florida says (25/Oct/2002):
  This game is essential to add in your book of games for basketball and non-basketball fan's alike. The graphics were exceptional, It is ok to look at. The fun factor of the game is its greatest attribute, You will have tons of fun breaking other player's and the computer's ankles. It's really original and discludes really alot of annoying basketball rules. Everything is loose and fun. Sound was great!, Controlling manuvers fine and the single player quests were challenging. (A more multiplayer game however, Ive had fun beating my brother in numerous occasions)


I was not satasfied with the create-a-player option, I feel that option is one of the most important options in a game and should not be dis-regarded. The creators of the game did a good job on create-a-player but could have done better.

There is a nasty little flaw perhaps I shouldent have done but if you are dumb like me heres the situation and how to avoid it.

Innocent Player: (Just playing the game and got 200 skill points, I go to the size stats quickly to make my short 6'2 player taller - Out of curiousity I Made him 6'6 or so and was
playing with it, I went back and my points were spent . I was still in 6'2 and could not go back to 6'6.) Obviois avoid procedures can be dealt.

For the stupidity beheld onto my self I gave it a 8. Although it is a obvious 9 or 10 And very fun.

Game time!

Mathew from Toronto Ont. says (12/Jun/2002):
  It is game time for all the basketball fans. It includes features like having all the NBA teams and players. Also it has made up players to unlock which each player specilaizes in a different aspect of the game. What makes it a hit is that it is different from all the other b-ball games. I like all the other basketball games but all they are is playing basketball like the pros. Those games are graet but with NBA street you play street ball and it is tottally different from pro ball. With all that said i will tell you that the game will last a while and after you beat it you will want to play again. Or you can just play ball for fun on the unlocked courses. With all that said i give the game an easy 10 as it is original and we all need a little variety.

EA sports B-I-Ggest Production

A gamer from Indianapolis,USA says (12/Mar/2002):
  Any one interested in EA Sports Games, should just go to the store find the game, literally throw the money and tell them to keep the change. The best basketball game that you have to choose from. You want good graphics, Streets got it. Gaming Depth, got that too. A game that keeps you intrested every second you play the game, then just go out and buy Street.
Dinners Served with NBA STREET!!!!!!!!! Also try SSX,SSX TRICKY,SLED STORM 2, and other EA BIG(tm) games and productions.

King of Basketball on PS2

Matthew Boyd from Orangeville, Ontario, Canada says (27/Jan/2002):
  NBA street is the best basketball game on the PS2 to date. The graphics were well done, i didn't have any complaints about them. The create-a-player was pretty good. A few things that should be fixed for NBA Street 2 is that there were to few body looks and faces to chose from. That was my only problem with the CAP, and it didn't effect the gameplay so it wasn't major. The controls were great and only took about ten minutes to master. On NBA Street 2 it would be nice to see new matches like slam dunk compatitions, and three point compatitions. Anybody who likes basketball I would skip renting this game and just buy it you'll love it.

The Best B-Ball Game Out Playa

Jared Bourbeau from Royalston,Massachusettes,USA says (8/Dec/2001):
  This Game produced by the new EA Big company that has shown its greatness in SSX. This game has everything great gameplay, graphics,sound, and man is it fun to have the guys come over and go head to head with them and show how good you are. The comintator does get annoying at times but you get use to it. The replays are great and man do the players have skills.Who new no rules could be so good.I recomend if you have never played this game go and pick it up and "Take it to the House".

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