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 Braeburn Lake,  Yukon


Phone: Ask 867-Operator for  JL3-5948 Fox Lake Channel


Located on Braeburn Lake in the South Central Yukon, one and a half miles off the Klondike. Highway between Whitehorse and Carmacks. We are open year round, accessible in the winter by four wheel drive, snowmobile or dog team; in the summer months by hiking or four-wheeler via the Trans Canada Trail from Whitehorse or the Klondike highway. We supply transport from the Klondike highway or Braeburn airstrip to the lodge.  

All tours are Whitehorse to Whitehorse.




Braeburn Lake is a five mile long pristine Yukon lake with plenty of islands and wilderness to explore.  Braeburn Lake is listed as a high quality water by by the Yukon Government and offers lake trout, northern pike, whitefish and arctic grayling.  To maintain high quality angling special restrictions apply on the lake.  As a traditional stopover to the goldfields, the Dawson trail and adjoining trail systems offer plenty of wilderness hiking.





    The lodge consists of two traditional log cabins with cooking facilities, wood heat and gas lighting; a lakeside sauna, shower and restroom are housed separately.  If you wish full accommodation, meals can be provided in our lakeside dining room.  Our menu includes many northern specialties from our gardens, smokehouse and ovens in the traditional roadhouse style.  We should have no problem meeting special dietary needs by prearrangement.

   At the lodge we prefer to keep our number of guests to four, however by special arrangement we can accommodate 8 persons for small tour groups, clubs etc.  The lodge offers canoe rentals, guide services and transportation for our guests to enjoy Braeburn Lake and the surrounding area to the fullest.


Braeburn Month By Month

  December - January:  The ice road to the lodge is in place and all migratory birds have left.  Sunrise is 10:30 AM and sunset is 3PM.  This is the coldest part of the year.  Highs can be 0C with lows to -50C.  The sled dogs have been training for two months and are ready to take longer runs when the weather permits.  Wolves, coyotes and lynx can be seen hunting the lakeshore by the lucky viewer.  This is an excellent time to view the northern lights, take moonlit ski trips then have a relaxing lakeside sauna.  The Trans-Canada/Dawson trail is open to Braeburn and the hardier travelers are taking runs from Whitehorse to Braeburn.

  February - March:  The days begin to lengthen and the temperatures start to rise.  The dogs are in optimum condition and our sled dog tours begin.  By mid-March there is eight minutes more daylight every day.  Each February the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race passes on the lake in front of the lodge.  The nights can be cold but daytime temperatures can be 0C or above.  This is a great time to enjoy ice fishing, skiing or aurora watching.  High quality sunglasses are a must.

  April - May:  Dog mushing finishes the first week of April.  The ice will leave the lake during the second or third week of May.  This is an ideal time for game and bird watching as the forest will not leaf out until the first week of June.  Elk and bears are easy to see feeding on the hillsides around the lake.  Bald eagles return to the lake in mid April followed by the songbirds and waterfowl.  You can sit on the sundeck and observe raptors of every description hunting the shoreline of the lake and the clearing around the lodge.  The third week of May is time to start gardening.

June - July:
  This is the hottest time of year in the Yukon.  The days are endless as the sun sets for only five hours.  There is no real darkness with the sun only barely below the horizon, temperatures of 30C are not uncommon.  Elk and moose can be seen cooling off in the lake.  This is prime time for fishing for trout, pike or grayling in Braeburn Lake as well as the surrounding lakes and streams.


  August - September:  The start of the Yukon fall.  The leaves are in full color by the first of September and snow is common on the mountain peaks.  The elk are gathering in harems and bull moose are traveling in search of mates.  September is the peak period of the southern bird migration. A superb time for canoeing, hiking, berry picking and photography.


  October - November:  As late fall sets in the last of the waterfowl descend on the lake as it begins to freeze.  From time to time otters can be seen playing on the ice and fishing before winter comes to stay.  The clear, crisp evenings are a great time for watching the northern lights.  The sled dogs begin cart training in October eagerly awaiting the snow.




     Braeburn lake offers excellent canoeing and kayaking, the many islands and bays offer protection from the wind except in the worst of weather.  Nesting pairs of eagles, loons and cruising beavers are a common sight.  We offer two river trips that are great for the novice or flat-water paddler.  If you don’t have your own camping gear the lodge can supply it; all you need to bring is your personal gear.  We will send you a list of necessary equipment upon registration.  We set no dates for our canoe trips preferring to leave it to the client’s convenience and discretion.

    Our tours normally are for a maximum of 4 people, but we can expand to 8 by special request.  We are happy to build special trips for our clients, please feel free to contact us.



  A  LITTLE  OF  THE  YUKON:  5 days, 4 nights.

DAY 1: Pick up in Whitehorse and transfer to lodge.  Canoeing and hiking at the lodge with guide. Overnight at lodge.

DAY 2: Canoeing, hiking, trip preparation, overnight at lodge.

DAY 3: After breakfast depart for Tatchun Creek on the Yukon River.  Depart Tatchun creek.  Overnight camping on the Yukon River.

DAY 4:  Canoe to Minto Landing for pick-up, sightseeing enroute to lodge, overnight at lodge.

DAY 5:  Breakfast at lodge then transfer back to Whitehorse.

Single: $2150 CAD,  Group of 2: $1500 CAD/person, Group of 3: $1350 CAD/person 

Group of 4: $1200 CAD/person.



   The Teslin offers great scenery, game watching and fishing on flat water.  From the headwaters at Johnsons Crossing to the Yukon river, ending at Little Salmon village above Carmacks.  The prime time for game viewing is late May to mid June before the forest leafs out.  During late August and early September the fall colors are spectacular and moose are often seen.  This trip is beautiful at any time of year.

DAY 1 - 2:   Pick up in Whitehorse and transfer to lodge.  Canoeing and hiking at the lodge with guide.  Trip preparation.

DAY 3 - 9:  Canoeing and camping the Teslin and Yukon rivers.

DAY 10:  Pickup at Little Salmon Village, transfer to lodge. Overnight at lodge.

DAY 11:  Breakfast at lodge, transfer to Whitehorse.

Single: $3500 CAD,  Group of 2: $2500 CAD/person, Group of 3: $2250 CAD/person,

Group of 4: $2000 CAD/person.




The silence of the north descends on us as the guides sled rounds a corner just ahead.  What a contrast to the  excitement at the start: dogs yelping to get started, the last minute reminders from our guide and the butterflies in my stomach.  The contrast is startling; the only sounds are the dogs breathing and the swish of the sled runners on the snow.  Who would have thought  I would be driving my own dog team?  Its a lot easier than I thought; no butterflies now.  And the dogs do all the work; no problems keeping up to the group on this trip.  The spruce forest flashing by the sled is opening out as we descend to the frozen lake.  WOW!  What a skyline!

For over 2000 years the indigenous people of North  America have been traveling using sled dogs and snowshoes. By contrast, in Scandinavia  skis and reindeer were used.   Mushing has changed a lot in recent years but the basic premise remains the same: the partnership of musher and dog working together in the winter wilderness.  In 1911 Scotty Allan won the All - Alaska Sweepstakes with Alaskan cross - breeds (malamute - setter crosses) and the ancestor of the modern sled dog was born.  Our team of Alaskan huskies is ready and waiting to pull you through a memorable journey into the Yukon winter!

Our trips run from Monday to Friday throughout February, March and April  (guests arrive in Whitehorse on Sunday and the trip ends in Whitehorse the following Friday evening. Depart Whitehorse Saturday or continue on your own to the next stage of your northern winter adventure) .

Learn the joy of driving your own small team with full instruction from us.  All our trips offer ONE PERSON PER SLED unless you request  otherwise.  Or choose to relax and ride in the guides sled for a day.   Each night we return to our cozy cabin or heated wall tent to recharge for the next days mushing.

All our dogs are Alaskan huskies; bred specially for racing or touring.  They have been bred for generations for their work ethic and their trainability.  While some can be reserved or even shy none are innately vicious.  Working in the wilderness you just cannot afford a dog that is hard to get along with.  These remarkable professional canine athletes are worlds away from many of the pure bred malamute or Siberian pet huskies that are often poorly trained and unsupervised. We hear about these kinds of dogs a lot from our European friends.  If your only experience with huskies is one of these renegade pets  ä then you'll be in for a pleasant surprise when you meet our dogs!

We ask that you arrive healthy and with all necessary clothing and equipment  (gear list sent upon registration).  Our trips are suitable for anybody in good health and you require no previous experience.  Regular exercise will increase your enjoyment of any outdoor trip, but a positive attitude and a willingness to learn are more important than being an athlete.  When driving a modern dog sled you ride on the runners.  There is no requirement to run behind or walk in front.  Our trips are geared to guests over the age of 16; however, we are happy to accommodate younger guests by special arrangement.

All our trips operate on the principles of safety, fun and education.  Bring along your enthusiasm and all your questions.  We look forward to sharing our unique and rewarding lifestyle.


FOREST  TRAILS:  Our most popular departure; there’s something for everyone amongst the forest trails around beautiful Braeburn Lake in the south central Yukon.  Join us to savor the spring sunshine, long days and quiet of March in the north.    Travel each day is along the shore of this wonderful lake and through the nearby wilderness.   Trails are wide and forgiving making for relaxed mushing well suited to beginners or families.   Relax, soak up the scenery and let the dogs do the work.  Guests return each night to sleep in a cozy, picturesque log cabin nestled close to the shore of the lake.  Good, wholesome, old-fashioned meals are hosted in the main cabin and there’s plenty for even the biggest appetite.   For your enjoyment we limit our group size to 4 participants.  Bring lots of film! 

  Minimum group size: 1, maximum: 4.   $2000 CAD; per person.

  Trip Dates:  Monday through Friday;  Feb. 1 through April 5,  5 Days. 



CHAIN OF LAKES: 2 days of mushing practice at our lodge precede 3 wonderful days traveling on one of the most scenic portions of the 1000 mile Yukon Quest trail.  Cabin accommodation at our base, woodstove heated wall tent accommodation while on the trail.  The wall tent is small for warmth so we limit our groups to four and try to book either couples or individual participants of the same gender in the same tent.  Guides sleep in a separate tent Trip participants should be in good health and be prepared for some strenuous activity. Arrive Sunday afternoon, return to Whitehorse Saturday morning after breakfast.  Previous dog mushing or winter camping experience required. 

Minimum group size: 1, maximum: 4.    March 1 - April 1; 5 days  $2500 CAD.

DISCOUNTS: All Trips: 10% discount for groups of 3 or 4 registering at the same time.

GUARANTEED PRIVATE TRIPS:  To ensure maximum attention and service we offer you the option of buying a guaranteed private trip for you or your group.

Trip Costs: Prices are $500/person/day personal guiding fee plus all costs incurred beyond those on our standard trips.

Please contact us for information on trips for families or groups larger than our stated maximum group sizes.








Cabins:  Includes linen, towels, cooking facilities and use of showers and sauna.  Maximum two guests per cabin, self catering.  $80 CAD per day, $480 CAD per week. 

Meals:  Includes three meals, snacks and non-alcoholic beverages.  $60 CAD/person/day

Guiding Services: Professional guides with first aid and river rescue certification. $250 CAD/day  includes canoe.  Travel away from Braeburn Lake is extra.

  Canoe Rentals:  $35 CAD per day.

All rental services require a 25% non-refundable deposit at time of booking.  Full payment required 60 days prior to arrival.  To reserve equipment or cabins less than 60 days prior to arrival full payment is required at time of booking.

Bus service is available 6 days a week from Whitehorse during summer and 3 days a week in winter.  We will supply transportation from the Klondike highway to the lodge.

Limousine service from Whitehorse to Braeburn  $120 one way.


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