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by Joe 1
Thursday October 10, 2002 at 12:47 PM

As any reasonably informed individual knows, Saddam Hussein poses no immediate risk to any other country. However, if America invades Iraq then there is a significant probability that Saddam Hussein will retaliate with a smallpox attack on America. The only reasonable conclusion is that Bush want to launch a biowarfare attack on Americans and Canadians.

Comment by Joe Friendly:

If Saddam doesn't unleash any of the biological weapons that he was supplied with by America on Americans, then the CIA will do it for him and make it look like Saddam did it. What a strange thing to say! That Bush plans to attack America and Canada, and that the planned invasion of Iraq is only a pretext to attack America? Why would Bush want to unleash biological weapons on North Americans?

Study the policies, the goals, and the persistent methods of the elite subculture that controls the US government. Their object is global military police state domination, with complete surveillance of every detail of every person's life. They want to exterminate all dissent, and impose absolute compliance to their dictates and policies. They want to microchip everyone, and make all financial transactions electronic. And, though you may consider this bizarre and morbid - (seriously, I'm not making this up, you can read it from the horses' own mouths) they want to reduce the population of the earth significantly. They would particularly like to cull off the old, the weak, the very young, and certain racial groups.

These certifiable maniacs are not satisfied to control and dominate all humankind. They are amateur social engineers as well, and they have their own, albeit bizarre, but well developed ideas, explicitly laid out, of how they want the world to work. They pretend to think the way that normal people think, but they are actually busy day and night implementing a totally different agenda than that that they profess based on a radically different vision of how they would like to see the world operate.

Eugenics - population modification by selective genocide, controlled breeding patterns, genetic engineering, birth control, abortion, sterilizations, and "nonlethal" civilian targeted biowarfare are all central tenets of their philosophy which they historically have and continue to pursue with great determination. I know that this is a ugly subject, and that we hate to contemplate that people could actually be so demented and cruel, but the massive genocides of indigenous peoples, the residential schools, the mass forced sterilizations which are still being conducted around the world, the vaccination programs, the engineered plagues, the hundreds of billions being spent on developing genetically targetable bioweapons, etc. are all very real and important world events that fit into a deliberate and premeditated cultural context.

In fact, this is probably the most important subject that we need to carefully study and address as a global society at this time. The British Medical Association has recently made several strong warnings, stating that biological weapons development built on so-called medical research (with America at the forefront by a country mile) is the greatest threat to world security that the planet has ever known, and is currently far more threatening to world security than the nuclear arms race of the Cold War.

A US launched biowarfare attack on North America is imminent, likely to be followed by universal mandatory vaccinations with toxic chemicals and foreign genetical material, with probable mass microchipping of all citizens under their skin occurring either simultaneously or sequentially. Social and political dissenters will probably be pre-emptively rounded up and sequestered in remote camps. I know that these ideas are foreign to your usual way of thinking. It isn't supposed to be that way. People aren't like that. Nobody could be so cruel What makes these fruitcakes able to get away with the insane things they do all over the world is the naive belief among well meaning people like you and me that no one could be so evil and demented to do such things. But some people are that evil and demented, and there is ample proof of it. Unfortunately, such people now control the "world's only superpower". But in fact the world greatest "superpower" are the world's population of good people - if they ever manage to wake up and unite to accomplish something. Let's hope that this looming threat of massive decimation of the population of North America triggers an awakening and that the "something" the people decide to unite and accomplish is to throw off the yoke of these racist genocidal maniacs right now!

Please don't be naive and choose to live in never never land and thus let this happen to you without any warning or protest. American troops have or are about to be given permission to invade Canada on the pretext of a "civil disturbance" or "terrorist attack" or any kind of "civil emergency" such as a biowarfare attack. FEMA has publicly declared that even one case of a reported smallpox infection ANYWHERE IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE will trigger mass mandatory vaccinations of every North American within 5 to 10 days. Once FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the most powerful agency in America, set up by Oliver North and the CIA to implement martial law in all of the United States) goes into action, all civil liberties and other state or municipal authorities in the United States (and Canada) are officially suspended.

This could be only days or weeks away. If Saddam is pushed against the wall by America / Blair / the UN, there is nothing left for him to do but strike back in the only way he can - through biowarfare aimed at America. Saddam probably has the capability of accomplishing this biowarfare attack on America according to the former head of the Russian biowarfare department. If Saddam doesn't do it, or can't pull it off, I'm sure that the operatives who arranged 9/11 would be sure to accommodate. If enough people wake up and declare their unwillingness to allow Bush to trigger a biological war on America, then the people have the power to stop Bush before he massacres half the population of America, even if he has to be arrested or deposed by an armed popular insurrection.

And we can certainly count on the corporate owned media to dutifully put whatever spin on the events that the psychological warfare department of the CIA asks them to. Is there any division between these two institutions any more? So it's time to spread this important information to everyone you know, to build up your immune systems and prepare your hideaways in the hills, if you ask me. And if you can't see the writing on the wall for yourself, and don't believe me, then read what CIA director George Tenet has to say :

Thursday October 10, 2002
The Guardian

President George Bush's attempt to maintain public support for military action against Iraq has taken a fresh blow from an unexpected quarter, with the publication of a letter from the CIA stating that while Saddam Hussein poses little threat to America now, a US invasion could push him into retaliating with chemical or biological weapons.

The unusually detailed public statement, in the form of a letter from the CIA director, George Tenet, to Congress, comes at a highly sensitive moment, potentially damaging Mr Bush's attempt to rally an overwhelming congressional mandate for the use of force against Iraq.

In a chilling excerpt, Mr Tenet warned that if Saddam was personally threatened he might seize "his last chance to exact vengeance by taking a large number of victims with him".

The risk of such an attack, possibly involving weapons of mass destruction, would rise from "low" to "pretty high" were Saddam to feel cornered by US military might.

Such a stark judgment seems likely to increase public anxiety about the prospect of a new war. There is still majority backing for military action, but that support appears to be fading despite a concerted public relations campaign by the administration to put its case.

Approval for military action has fallen from 57% last month to 53% this week, according to a US Gallup poll.

The CIA letter was seized on by Democrat opponents of military action, at the height of the congressional debate on a resolution authorising an invasion if and when the president deems it necessary.

Donald Payne, a House Democrat, said that Mr Tenet's letter showed that the Bush administration's aggressive strategy "could trigger the very things that our president has said that he is trying to prevent: the use of chemical or biological weapons. In view of this report, the policy of a pre-emptive strike is troublesome."

Mr Tenet's letter came in response to a congressional request to declassify segments of CIA briefings on Iraq over the past few days. He said: "Baghdad for now appears to be drawing a line short of conducting terrorist attacks with conventional or CBW [chemical and biological weapons] against the United States."

This assessment is reinforced by testimony given to Congress last week by an unnamed senior intelligence officer, which Mr Tenet allowed to be declassified.

The officer said: "My judgment would be that the probability of [Saddam] initiating an attack . . . in the foreseeable future, given the conditions we understand now, the likelihood I think would be low."

Asked about the likelihood of an Iraqi chemical or biological attack on the US in response to an invasion, the intelligence officer said: "Pretty high, in my view."

Mr Tenet emphasised the same point in his own words. "Should Saddam conclude that a US-led attack could no longer be deterred, he probably would become much less constrained in adopting terrorist actions," he wrote.

He added that Saddam might work with Islamist terrorists to carry out an attack.

It is unusual for the CIA to put such details of its intelligence assessments into a public document. The letter was produced after intense pressure from senators.

The letter also comes at a time when the CIA is competing with the more hawkish Pentagon, which is also supplying the White House with intelligence on the Iraqi threat.

"You have to ask yourself the question, since Tenet is part of the team, why now?" said Fred Hitz, a former CIA inspector general. "You have to go back to the Vietnam era to find a time when the judgment of the intelligence community was in the public eye on such a current affairs basis."

The White House last night denied that the CIA analysis undermined Mr Bush's message on the urgency of confronting Baghdad.

Mr Tenet "did not say we're OK," the White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer, said. "If Saddam Hussein holds a gun to someone's head, while he denies he even owns a gun, do you really want to take a chance that he'll never use it."

In a bid to dampen the controversy, Mr Tenet later put out a statement insisting: "There is no inconsistency between our view of Saddam's growing threat and the view as expressed in [Bush's] speech.

"Although we think the chances of Saddam initiating a WMD [weapons of mass destruction] attack at this moment are low, in part because it would constitute an admission that he possesses WMD, there is no question that the likelihood of Saddam using WMD against the US or our allies in the region for blackmail, deterrence or otherwise grows as his arsenal continues to build.",3604,808956,00.html

Don't believe him

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