
WHOA! Ladies! Check this out!! I got two banners from good old Keenan! Yay! They are not too shabby if I say so my self.. I like 'em. Good Good.

Another thing that's changed... I guess that I used up all the space in the first doubber so now I gottsa do another doubber. And this is that doubber... Right.

HEY KIDDIES!!!! YOU WANT TO READ A REALLY SUCK-ASS BOOK?!??!! I KNOW YOU DO. The book is called "House of Sand and Fog". By some moron named Andre Duibus the Third. Yay!

Golly gee, I really hope this whole thing works, I dunno if it will or not.

I will put up link, um, linking back to the old stuff. Yea. I changed the backround colourr and stuff, but I didn't really have time to adjust the colours to my liking, because someone wants to see my site. haha. Just Kidding.

Ahh okok. If you want to go the first page of this site, (most of it is pretty cool...) click here.


Hello friends. How are you now? Is the colour too freaked out for you? Tell me. I will care. I will change it too. My new "cool" e-mail is ........ Ha_Ha_Cracker_Is_A_Funny_Word@yahoo.com. It does exist. It is mine. Haha. I win.

Hmm. Now for a question for you all. How do you get over somebody? Can I ask you that without going into detail about it? I don't think so. Hmm. Oh well. It is ok. I am tired of it all.

Ha. To anyone who is not involed (mispelled) in my affairs (lucky people) that must seem weird. Oh well.

Heyyy so I got a banner.. all I need now is a couple of frames or whatever, a toolbar or something like that... right. haha.


Ahhh. Marla. You changed my mood when you IMed me. I was all pissed off about yesterday, but now, thanks to you, I'm fine. Just because it is you. Danke. Everyone should have a bit-o-Marla in the morning when they get up. Then everyone would be happy, and no one would be sad. Right. I really do not know how bad my grammar was in that passage... lol or my spelling. It is probally really bad. Oh well, the point is thank you Marla.

Mmhmm. My dad right now is in our living room, swinging his golf club while watching a roller blading video. It is called "License to Skate IN-LINE". It has "the hottest action with Team SwitchH it." Oh boy. Yea. Cool. My dad is old.


Yea. It is late and stuff. I just wanted to put this link up. It is to a page (mine) with the script of a weird, sick, gross, pointless-gore movie. lol And it is funny. At least to me. Here it is: click here.


Hey. How are you? I'm good. Just spending my Friday evening (mispelled?) doing nothing but... siting here working on this. I got a hair cut. Oh boy. It is really really bad. Ya ya. Oh well. I don't care too much.


Hello. Usually (mispelled) the weather will protray what my attidude (mispelled).... you know what? Since I always mispelled words, I'll just "sound it out" as I type it. So "attidude" would be "at-ta-tude" .. whoa. What a second... could it be spelled attitude? Hey! I think I got it! I win.


Ohh. Yea. About what I was talking about. The weather outside is "overcast" or just plain sucky. But I don't feel that bad at all. Maybe I'm just waiting for something bad to happen to me... but I dunno man. It seems like today will be an okay day. Quiet, nothing too big happening... I dunno.


Hey-loo Kiddies! How are you today? Well for Mike, this day and week can not get any better. Why, may you ask? Well I got




Mmm. Yea. Whats new? A lot has happened since the last time I updated this site.... But. I am still alive. Hey that has to count for something, eh?

So here is some AOL Instant Messagener chats that I have uploaded onto this site...

A chatroom with random people in it.. I was feeling kinda mean... click here.

Well I have a lot of chats. Yep. I saved most of the chats that I had... and thought was meaningful...

Cool places to go.

heh. my old site...
The onion. Need I say more?
Jones Soda man. Rawk.
Nathan's Old Ass (and he means OLD ASS) Website.
Blur! Rawk.
Weezer. Wee.
The Strokes! Good stuff.
Hey! It's SOAPS!
A brit punk/ska band... how cool is that??!?
Kennan's Website!! It is really good.