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A Future's Past Part 25

Interior: Lobby
Xander: Whats the what Spike? Are you for real here?

Spike: I dont plan to explain myself to you.

Xander: And you really think you can keep us all in
line on your own?

Spike: I think Ill do what has to be done.

Gunn: I thought you said he was harmless.

Xander: Well, he can technically do harm. But the
excruciating pain he feels when he tries tends to be
of the debilitating sort. Right Spikey?

Spike: (eyes narrow) Watch it.
The sound of the battle is growing louder and Connors
cry can be heard upstairs.

Cordy: Oh God. Whats happening down there?

Wes: I think theyre fighting.

Fred: Buffy and Angelus?

Wes: No, I dont think so.

Cordy: I dont understand.

Lorne: I think Wes is trying to say that its not
Buffy that has to fight Angelus.

Gunn: What? If not Buffy, then who?

Wes: Its the prophecy.

Fred: The false prophecy?

Wes: (shaking head) It wasnt false, just misjudged..

Gunn: So the father will kill the son? Youre saying
its true.

Wes: I thought I had to protect Connor from Angel. But
Angel was never the problem. It was Angelus. Buffy
told me it always had to be Angelus.

Cordy: So thats why she wanted to bring Angelus back.
But if hes back and theyre down thereoh my God.

Xander: What? What is it?
Cordy: Buffy wants it to happen. Buffy wants the
prophecy to come true!

Fred: You mean she wantsshes trying to get Connor

Wes: She doesnt want to, but it has to be. It was
destined to be.

Cordy: Are you insane? (looks around the room and to
the door Spike stands in front of) We swore to Angel
that we would protect his son no matter what. Wes, I
believed you were trying to do that when you took him.
However misguided your actions. But this? This is
murder. And Ill be damned if I stand by and let Buffy
get the only thing left of Angel killed.

Spike: Im moved by your outrage and nobility dear,
but have we met? I dont think theres a whole lot you
can do to stop whatever is going on downstairs. My
pain will be temporary, yours may not.

Cordy: (closes her eyes and takes a deep breath) Im
getting past you Spike. If you have to kill me then so
be it. Do your best. But Im going down there before
Buffy destroys everything Angel ever cared about.
She begins to walk towards Spike and he smiles as he
plants his feet firmly on the ground. Xander tries
calling after her but Cordy has tunnel vision. Just as
she gets within reach of Spike he vamps out and raises
his hand to strike. Cordelia looks past him and
focuses on the door she is heading for. Her own hand
rises of its own volition as if to block his blow.
Instead of him connecting, his whole body is lifted
off the floor and hurled across the room.
Cordy doesnt even notice before she opens the door
and heads downstairs. The others are left staring at
the moaning Spike still trying to recover from his

Xander: Did you guys see that?

Fred: Yeah.

Gunn: Did you guys see that she didnt even touch him?

Xander: Was it witchcraft? Is Cordy a witch now?

Wes: Not quite.

Cut to Basement
Connor has attached himself around Angelus neck and
is being tossed from side to side viciously but
refuses to let go. Buffy wants nothing more than to
help him but she knows it has to be this way. Angelus
is crying out in frustration at the small person
giving him such trouble. He is getting angrier and
angrier but it only seems to feed Connors own rage.
Its no longer a child and a man, but two unnatural
beasts fighting to the death.
Buffy hears footsteps just before Cordy appears on the
stairs. She hesitates for a second taking in the scene
before rushing down to interfere.

Cordy: Connor! Get away from him!
Buffy knows she will put herself in between them if
given half the chance and is left with only one
choice. She rushes her.
Cordy is so focused on the duo; she doesnt see the
attack coming. Just as she makes her move, her feet
are knocked out from underneath her and she falls
backwards on her backhard. Buffy leans over her and
she sees who stopped her for the first time.

Cordy: You are one sick puppy Slayer girl. (stands up)
Im not going to let you get them killed.

Buffy: You dont belong here Cordelia.

Cordy: That doesnt work anymore with me Buff. Youre
not superior anymore. Ive got everything youve got
and then some.

Buffy: (raises an eyebrow) Really?
The sound of grunts and hits distract both of them for
a second as they see Angelus finally remove the leech
from around his neck and throw it against the wall.
Connor slides down semi-conscious.

Cordy: (moving to help) Connor!

Buffy: (grabbing her arm before she can) No!
Cordy struggles against Buffys grip as both women
watch Angelus advance on the seemingly defenseless

Angelus: I told you to leave it alone. (glaring
murderously at his son) Id just assume leave you to
wander the streets alone after I kill everyone and
everything you know and love.

Cordy: Oh God. (Connor hasnt opened his eyes yet, but
its clear that he hears the words meant to hurt him)
Buffy please

Buffy: It has to happen. Its the only way. Its your
only hope.
Cordy stares at the boy shaking and sweating until he
finally opens his eyes. When he does, they glow and he
snarls exposing non-human teeth.

Cordy: Connor?

Buffy: Ssshh. Hes not Connor right now. And he never
will be again if you dont let him do this.
Before Cordy can respond, Connor stands and signals
for Angelus to come at him.

Angelus: (chuckling) If I wasnt so sure, Id swear
you did have a bit of me in you. Too bad I have to
kill you.

Connor: Come and get me Father.
Cordy begins to cry when they attack one another
again. Buffy hasnt let her go and she loses sight of
everything shes been told in the light of seeing this
ultimate tragedy play out in front of her.
Without warning, she pulls down hard against the hand
that holds her arm getting Buffys attention. When
Buffy goes to regain her solid grip, she doesnt see
Cordys other hand flash out to punch her in the nose.
Buffy head snaps back and she loses her grip
She uses the momentum from the hit to bring her
forward after the initial impact and head butt Cordy
sending her to her knees. She starts to say something
but stops when Cordy looks up at her with a strange
appearance on her face.

Buffy: Cordelia?

Cut to Sewer tunnel
Willow has been chanting for a few minutes now and the
effects are beginning to wear her down. She is no
longer standing and begins to lose track of her words.
Suddenly, Dawn is pushed back form her by something
unseen and a yellow glow engulfs her body.

Dawn: Willow: Whats happening? Answer me WillPlease.
Willow doesnt hear Dawns plea and instead continues
to speak in a foreign language, now with someone
elses voice. The yellow is getting brighter and
brighter and even Willow herself seems to be unsure of
the ending to her spell.
Willows hands are balled into fists but Dawn sees one
shaking with effort until it finally releases and a
large marble rolls free and through the glow. It stops
at Dawns leg and she looks down to see something
familiar. She picks it up and looks back to Willow who
no longer has any knowledge of her presence.

Dawn: Ill be back Will. I promise Ill be back.
She picks up the marble and rushes down the tunnel.

Cut to Lobby
The group has tied Spikes hands and feet and he
curses them harshly as they watch him struggle.

Spike: You people have no idea what youre doing. This
is a huge mistake.

Xander: Ive never been one for doing all the right
things. I think I can live with the risk. What about
you guys?

Gunn: (looking at Spike) I live for the risk.
Fred: Should somebody go check on Cordelia? Shes been
down there for a while now. What if she needs help?

Spike: Youre all going to need help very soon if you
dont bloody well untie me!

Lorne: Im thinking youre kind of like the boy who
cried wolf friend. I havent known you for long but
your aura is just screaming out liar liar pants on

Gunn: Im with Lorne. Definitely dont feel like
trusting anything you have to say.

Spike: Fine then! All of you can sod off! I hope
Angelus rips you limb from limb!

Xander: There he is! Thats the Spikey we all love to
The front door crashes open and everyone screams and

Fred: Heavens sakes!

Dawn: (rushing in) Sorry guys! WhereSpike?
She sees him tied up and is confused.
Dawn: What happened?

Xander: He went to the dark sideagain. Meet Angelus
newest, or oldest recruit.

Dawn: You cant actually believe that.

Wes: He was quite convincing.

Dawn: Hows this for convincing?
She holds up the marble and the others look at it

Xander: You brought us a marble?

Wes: Let me see that.
Dawn hands it to him and snorts.
Wes: Ill be.

Fred: What? What will you be?

Wes: Where did you find this?

Dawn: Willow had it in her hand. She dropped it.

Xander: Where is she? Why did she drop it?

Dawn: (uncomfortable) Well, she kind of got
distracted. Like mystically distracted.

Xander: (eyes widen) Shes doing magic

Dawn: Shes doing something for Buffy! Buffy asked her

Xander: (throws his hands up) Im always the last to

Spike: Will someone please tell me whats going on?
Whats with the toy?

Dawn: Its not a toy. Is it what I think it is Wesley?

Wes: (nods) It appears to be. That is if you think
its a jewel of Thesula.

Xander: Jewel of who? (frowning) Wait, why is that

Wes: This is a smaller version of the orb Willow
needed to recreate the gypsies spell.

Fred: The spell?

Xander: The soul spell? The taking away of the soul
spell? Willow had this? Why?

Gunn: Are you saying that the girl set this up? She
took Angels soul on purpose?

Fred: No! She wouldnt do that! No one would do that
on purpose! Cordy said it was an accident!

Spike: I am constantly amazed at how slow to the punch
you humans are! Why is there such difficulty here? Can
not a single one of you form a complete thought!

Wes: I think I see whats happening here.

Xander: Care to share?

Wes: The important thing is Cordelia is not to blame
for Angels state. It wasnt her that made him lose
his soul.

Fred: But he said

Wes: Yes, Angelus believes that Cordy did it just as
she does. But I believe they are both only at the
mercy of Willows magic. Im not sure why, but Buffy
has set this up perfectly. Just as it must play out to
ensure our survival. And Cordy may have just made the
biggest mistake of her life by going down there.

Xander: So what now? What can we do?

Spike: Letting me go can be your first order of
business. I have something to finish.

Gunn: what? Killing us?

Spike: (exasperated) No, however much Id like that.
Unfortunately, my job is to save you bleeding morons!
He begins shaking against the ropes and ties binding
him as the others look to each other for a decision.

Cut to Basement
Angelus has gained the upper hand as expected over his
son. Connor is fighting valiantly not even sure why
but he remains driven to continue. It would seem every
bit of repressed evil and hatred that Angel had kept
hidden so well is being multiplied and given and taken
between father and son. There isnt blood or wounds
even, only forced breaths and trading of strengths and
weaknesses. Neither notices the two women on the
other side of the room.
Buffy is still staring down at Cordy. Her features
have changed somehow and Buffy doesnt know how to
react. She watches as Cordy stands and forces Buffy to
look up into her eyes.

Cordy: You wanted to punish him.

Buffy: huh?

Cordy: He left you in Sunnydale but you just couldnt
let him go. You couldnt let him live without you. You
kept coming back just when he was getting past it. You
came back from the frigging grave for Gods sake! Why
are you doing this to him? Why do you hate him?

Buffy: (shakes her head) You dont know what youre
talking about.

Cordy: Really? Ive been here Buffy. All these years,
while you were testing the waters with your college
life and your college boys, I was here! I worked with
him and fought with him and I changed!

Buffy: Speaking of changing

Xordy: No! You dont get to speak! You come here and
you play hero all over again. This time, you use his
son to get to him! You couldnt stand knowing that he
might actually be surviving without pining over you.
You had to come here and play with his mind and play
with mine! You convinced me that I could help him by
admittingyou knew he would change. You knew it
because you knew he loved me!

Buffy: Cordelia, wait one minute here.

Cordy: No! You dont get to do this again. I cant
believe I fell for your trick! Now look what youve
done! Ive lost him, youve lost him and soon one of
us will have to kill him! But you are sure that he
would go after Connor first! What? You couldnt let
the child that he didnt have with you go on living!
So what better revenge than to take his soul, or
rather make me take his soul and then watch as he
kills his only son! You are sicker then Angelus ever
could be!
She doesnt realize it but the others have descended
the stairs with Spike leading the way and heard her
accusations. They see Angelus slam Connor against a
wall and the women remain oblivious.

Buffy: Dont do this Cordelia.
Cordy takes a deep breath and her face goes back to
normal. Buffy takes the opportunity to look over and
the others do the same. Angelus holds Connor against
the wall by the throat and backs up so that his feet
and body dangle helplessly in the air. The glow in his
eyes begins to fade and Buffy looks around
She spots Dawn and Dawn shakes her head that Willows
not with them. She holds up the marble and Buffy runs
to take it from her. Dawn throws it and it sails
through the air in slow motion almost just before
landing safely in Buffys hands. She looks down at her
palm and then back to Angelus who has reared back,
fangs revealed to drink his son. Connors glow is
almost gone when she raises her arm high above her
head and throws the marble at her feet as hard as she
At the exact instant Angelus; fangs penetrate the
skin, the marble hits the ground and Connors eyes
lose their glow. His eyes close and the marble
fractures in a million pieces creating another wave of
energy not unlike the first that had traveled through
the hotel only hours before. Everyone struggles to
keep on their feet and Angelus drops the boy from his
hands. The boy lands hard on the ground and angelus
collapses face down beside him. The energy finally
dissipates and a deathly silence engulfs the room.

A few moments pass before anyone speaks.

Cordy: Connor?
She rushes and steps over Angelus still unmoving on
the floor to cradle the unconscious boy in her arms.
She begins weeping softly.

Gunn: Cordy? Maybe you should bring him away

Fred: Thats not Angel!

Gunn: I just meant, we dont know when hes going to
wake up.

Xander: Or if hes going to wake up.

Lorne: Cordelia honey? Come on over here with the boy.
Ill take a look.
Cordy picks Connor up and begins to walk past Buffy to
Lorne. Buffy reaches out but Cordy turns him away.

Cordy: Dont you touch him!
Buffy drops her hand dejectedly and looks at Angel
lying on the ground face down. She begins to walk
towards him.

Xander: Buffy
She raises a hand to silence him and Spike steps
forward to watch closely.

Fred, Gunn, Wes and Xander all step down into the
basement off the stairs. Dawn exits quietly without
anyone noticing.
Cordy is with Lorne and Connor as she cries waiting
for some sign of life.

Lorne: I think hes breathing. Maybe we should take
him to a hospital.

Buffy: (from across the room) Not yet.

Cordy: Shut up.
Buffy ignores her and drops to her knees beside
Angel/Angelus. She touches his back tentatively and
his skin feels cold under her fingertips. After a few
seconds, she feels a slight movement.

Buffy: Guys, step back for a minute.

Fred: Is he?

Buffy: Just give it a minute.
From out of the silence, a low moan is heard. Cordy
looks at Connor hopefully but realizes its not him.
Everyone turns to see Angel/Angelus slowly move and
groan again. Buffy takes the opportunity to help him
roll over slowly onto his back.

Gunn: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Wes: Leave her be Gunn.
The group is surprised that Wes is so sure of Buffy
safety but doesnt question him. Spike steps still

Angel/Angelus: (eyes open and a look of confusion
crosses over his features) Buffy?

Buffy: (smiles slightly and reaches a hand up to wipe
his brow) Hey.

Fred: Is that?

Wes: (softly) Angel.

Angel: (lets Buffy help him to a sitting position)
What happened?

Buffy: (sits back to look into his eyes) It will only
take a minute to know Angel. (Looks still deeper into
his eyes) Im sorry.
Angel: (more confused-brow furrowed) What?

She doesnt answer only stands to leave him some
space. He looks around the room trying to acclimate
himself and sees the group watching him. Slowly, his
face begins to show realization. He looks back to
Buffy in wonder and then stands slowly as well. Buffy
backs up once more and finds herself against Spikes
chest. He reaches up and squeezes her elbow in a show
of support for what he knows will come.
Angel looks around the room again and begins to shake
his head from side to side. Then he sees Cordelia
crying holding Connor.

Angel: Oh no. (shakes his head over and over and
begins to walk closer) No. please no.

Cordy: Angel?
He reaches them quickly and drops down beside her
looking at his son. The marks on his neck confirm his
worst fears.

Angel: (puts a hand out to touch Connor but stops
short-instead he runs his hand through his hair)

Fred: Oh my God.

Gunn: This isnt going to end well.

Xander: Does it ever?
Buffy doesnt speak as Angel snaps around to face her.
The look of worry is replaced with one of what she can
only believe is hate. He stands and rushes across the
room to grab her around the throat and slam her down
to the ground.

Xander: Hey! (Wes pulls him back form trying to help)

Angel: (seething) What have you done?

Buffy: (doesnt attempt to struggle as her airway is
cut off completely) Sor-ry.

Angel: (shakes her by the throat) Stop saying that!
Tell me what you did! What did I do to my son?

Buffy: (beginning to lose consciousness)
Angel growls and is ready to finish her off when
Xander and Gunn both jump forward to pull with all
their might from behind.
No one notices Dawn walking in supporting a very weak
Willow holding on to her shoulder. They see whats
going on and Willow is too weak to speak loud enough
to get their attention.

All movement stops as all eyes focus on the two girls
now joining the group.
Xander: Willow! Where have you been? And whats wrong
with you?
He rushes to take her weight from dawn and transfer it
to himself. The others watch as Willow points at
Connor and makes Xander take her closer.
Cordy protectively tries to shield him, but willw
Angel now stands after Gunn pulls him once more. Buffy
begins to cough and rolls to one side to watch Willow

Gunn: This is some kind of intense.

Spike: You have no idea. (He finally goes to help
Buffy stand as Angel follows Willow to see what shes

Willow: (placing a hand on Connors forehead) The time
is done, the soul is one. A childs pain, A fathers
name. So be it.
Her eyes close and to Cordy, Lornes and Angels
shock, the marks on his neck fade until theyre
completely gone and his eyes open slowly looking

Cut to White place
Woman: She succeeded. She fulfilled the prophecy and
all are safe.

V.O.: There is still one more path to travel to ensure

Woman: This will be the worst. Must she suffer more
after such pain?

V.O.: It is her fate. She is the Chosen one. She must
never know of the sacrifices he has made for her just
as he can never know those she makes for him. It is
Their way.

Woman: Why must They be so cruel?

V.O.: They are only as cruel as those that walk the
path. She is the ultimate challenge to all that is
evil in their world. To be effective, she must know
the worst it has to offer.

Woman: When will she finally be released from her
duty? Surely They cant expect her to continue

V.O.: Her time is coming. For each time she has
escaped the chosen path for her, she will be made to
suffer ten fold. But reward is inevitable. It comes to
all of them eventually.

Woman: But will her reward be too late to give her the
one thing shes wanted all along?

V.O.: That is not for them to decide. That is up to
herand him.

Cut to Basement
Connor looks up and seems to recognize Angel.
Connor: Father?
Angel smiles and then breaks into full on laughter.
Willow smiles and steps back with Xander as angel
takes Connor into his arms laughing and hugging him.
When he finally stops both are spent and he sets
Connor down gently on his feet. Connor looks around
the room until he spots Buffy.
Angel wants to stop him when he sees what hes going
to do but Cordy touches his arm.

Cordy: Let him go Angel.
Angel seems surprised to hear it form her, but
Connor walks slowly towards Buffy not breaking eye
contact. He finally reaches her and speaks quietly.

Connor: Did I do well?
Only Angel with his vamp hearing can hear what hes

Buffy: (reaching to tussle his hair) You did better
than I ever hoped. Guess what that makes you.
Connor begins to smile and blush.

Connor: Does that mean I get my hug?

Buffy: That means I am going to give my hero the
biggest hug hes ever had.
She smiles as he spreads his arms wide and she quickly
takes him in her arms. They stay that way for a moment
as the others watch.
When they finally separate, Buffy has a tear running
down her cheek and Angel sees the emotion.

Connor: Youre leaving now?

Buffy: Yeah buddy. I have to go home. But everything
is going to be fine for you here. I promise.

Connor: (turns to look at Angel and back at Buffy) I
He looks at her one last time before turning silently
and going to take his fathers hand and face everyone

The group is awkwardly silent now and its Spike that
finally breaks the silence.

Spike: Are we done here then?

Buffy searches Angels gaze as they no longer see
anyone else in the room. They seem to be communicating
mentally and everyone else feels out of place.
Especially Cordelia.

Angel: I think we should talk.

Buffy: I dont. It seems to me that its you and
Cordelia that need to talk.
Cordy and Angel exchange a glance as if remembering
for the first time what had happened between them.
They look away in embarrassment.

Gunn: But I thought

Xander: Leave it man.

Fred: but if Willow

Wes: No. Willow only healed the boy. Thats all. Isnt
that right Willow?

Willow: (looks at Buffy and then nods) Yeah, It was
just a protection spell. I had a hunch.

Buffy: Alright then. (turns to her friends) I think
its time for us to go home.
They begin to walk upstairs.

Angel: Buffy

Buffy: (turns to look at him one last time) I want to
go home Angel.
After another long look, the Sunnydale gang leaves the
basement without saying proper goodbyes.

Cut to outside Hyperion
The group leaves and walks in silence for a moment.

Xander: We know what you did Will.

Dawn: I showed them the marble thing.

Buffy: What marble thing?

Willow: Yeah, what are you talking about?

Xander: What is the deal? Its just us now. Can I
please know what in the hell happened in there?

Spike: Its over Xander. Leave it be.

Buffy: (watching her feet as she walks forward) Yeah.
Its over. Just leave it be.
He group continues on in silence.

Cut to White place
Woman: I fear it will never be the same for them.

V.O.: Surely not.

Woman: And They are content to leave things as they

V.O.: Things are never as they are for these two.

Woman: So they will have another chance?

V.O.: They need only follow their path.

The end.