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The Dungeon Crevasse

Hello, and welcome to the Dungeon Crevasse, my site dedicated to D&D and D20 Modern. So without further ado, here goes nothing...


Week of Tuesday, June 8, 2004

New Content:  The Vampire Hunter prestige class, a HTML D&D Character Sheet Updates:  Construction to begin anew.  Blood Warrior class has be updated, but is not yet finished
In the Works:  Other:  Everything is being updated for 3.5

This site proudly created and maintained by Odin Maximus.

Please email all comments and suggestions to Anyone may submit content to this website, but you must have content in the email subject for prompt viewing. All content will be thoroughly reviewed by me before it is posted.

Graphics provided by Animation Factory.

Dungeons and Dragons is copyright Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro inc.  All links are copyright of their respective owners.  All other content is copyright of me, except as follows:

All classes, monsters, and magic items are, in their entirety, open content based on the D20 Open Gaming License.