
Zenobia is a world recovering from a catastrophic breaking much like FF3 or the WOT series. Before this breaking, Zenobia was full of mighty nations and powerful kingdonms. However, now humanity is mainly clustered into large city-states for protection, as well as easier access to goods and services. These city-states generally have relations only with their closest neighbors. There are still small villages and hamlets, though. Dwarves and elves remain in their traditional homes, the mountains and forests, respectively. Their races' civilization was somewhat less affected by the Breaking. Hobbits are generally nomadic, but many can be found amongst communities dominated by other races. Tribes of orcs, goblins, and other monstrous humanoids roam the untamed areas of Zenobia. There are other, fouler things about, but they usually tend to avoid large popluation centers. One important note: Dragons do not exist in Zenobia; they have either become extinct or never were. It is more likely they existed in the past, as there are many legends surrounding dragons, usually connected to Manatheren or Corinth.


Magic is a paradox, as is its situation in Zenobia. Those who practice magic are rare, though increasing. However, many relics of past ages remain, in sharp contrast to the low number of practitioners. Wizards are somewhat rare, as people at large simply do not have the time to devote themselves entirely to the study of the arcane arts. There are, of course, exceptions. Magery is becoming more common, and there are rumors of some city-state trying to build an Academy for wizards. Sorcerors are slightly more common, as the talent is inborn, and need not be studied. It is easy to tell sorcerors and wizards apart - if a sorceror and a wizard stood side-by-side and cast the same spell, most people of appreciable intelligence would be able to tell the difference. Bards are slightly more common than sorcerors, and they also cast spells differently. The larger city-states do have sages and mages among them. Magical relics are more common than should be in this type of scenario; sages believe these are left-over relics from the "Golden Age" before the Breaking.


There is an elemental pantheon in Zenobia:
Goddess of Light: Aurora
God of Darkness: Asmodeus

Their children:
Goddess of Water: Amphitryon
Goddess of Air: Boreas
God of Earth: Demeter
God of Fire: Salamander

Most people recognize Aurora as the highest deity, whether or not they choose to revere on of the lesser gods higher. Most people recognize the existence and necessity of all six (ala the ancient Greeks).

With the exception of Asmodeus, the gods don't take much of a personal interest in the day to day affairs of the residents of Zenobia. Generally, they act when necessary to keep the balance they've created.


There are four months, each containing fifty days. They are:
Salamander (Summer)
Boreas (Fall)
Amphitryon (Winter)
Demeter (Spring)

For example, "Today is the fifth of Salamander".

The last day of each month is a celebration to that deity.

There is also a day of celebration to Aurora, which falls between the 25th and 26th of Amphitryon.

Thus, there are four months, each containing 7 weeks of 7 days + a day of festival, as well as the Festival of light for a total of 201 days.