Wild Magic Greater Surge Table

All effects requiring a caster level use the caster's caster level, modified by the surge modifier.
d% Greater Surge Result
1-3 Reroll, ignoring results above 50. Surge effect lasts twice as long.
4-5 Spell affects a random target or area (roll 1d8 on the Grenadelike Weapons diagram in the Player's Handbook For direction, roll 3d6 and multiply the result by 5 feet for short range spells, 20 feet for medium range spells, or by 80 feet for long range spells). The point of origin cannot exceed its range; if the result generated would do that, adjust the point of origin to the limit of the range in the randomly generated direction.
6 Caster stunned 1 round.
7-8 Caster exudes a carrion stench as if under the effects of a ghoul touch spell.
9-10 Caster blinded (50%) or deafened (50%) with blindness/deafness.
11-12 Caster dazed 1 round.
13 Random magic item on the caster is subject to Morden's disjunction.
14-15 Area greater dispelling centered on caster.
16-20 Area dispel magic centered on caster.
21-23 Spell targets an ally (if an enemy was the target) or an enemy (if an ally was the target).
24-27 Nothing happens. The spell does not function. Any material components are used up. The spell or spell slot is used up.
28-29 The spell functions, but shimmering colors swirl around the caster (treat as glitterdust targeted on the caster's square).
30-31 Casting time increases to one full round.
32 Caster sickened for 1d6 rounds.
33 Target ages 5 years (Str, Dex, and Con are affected if the target changes age categories, but Int, Wis, and Cha are not).
34 Caster's base speed reduced by 10 feet for 1d4 hours.
35-37 Caster suffers 1d6 points of ability damage to a random ability score.
38 Caster and random target of the spell change places after the spell takes effect.
39-40 Spell's effects delayed for d4 rounds (if a targeted spell, the delayed spell affects the original target unless the target has moved out of range, in which case the spell has no effect).
41-45 Spell is accomanied by harmless visual effects, such as mist, ghostly flames, color changes, illusory snakes, and so on. These effects remain for the spell's duration.
46-49 Spell is accomanied by harmless auditory effects, such as howls, hissing, thunder, keening, and so on. These effects remain for the spell's duration.
50-51 Spell changes energy type (equal chances: acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic).
52-55 All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to feather fall.
56-57 All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to levitate.
58-59 All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) gain the ability to fly.
60 All creatures within a 20 ft burst of the caster (50%) or target (50%) are the target of light spells.
61-65 Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell (1 Level), Silent Spell, Still Spell, or any other "+1 level" metamagic feat used in your campaign.
66 Caster's appearance alters with change self each round of the duration of the spell to resemble a random creature within 100 ft. If the spell has an instantaneous effect, the caster's appearance changes momentarily and then reverts to her previous appearance.
67 Invisibility sphere centered on the caster.
68 Invisibility purge centered on the caster.
69 Faerie fire centered on caster.
70-72 Area dispel magic centered on target.
73 Area greater dispelling centered on target.
74 Random magic item on the target is subject to Morden's disjunction.
75-78 Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Empower Spell, Heighten Spell (2 levels).
79-82 The spell functions normally, but any material components are not consumed. The spell is also not expended from the caster's mind. (Thus, a spell slot or prepared spell can be used again.).
83-85 Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Heighten Spell (3 levels), Maximize Spell, or any other "+3 levels" metamagic feat used in your campaign.
86-88 Target stunned 1 round.
89-92 Caster affected by darkvision or low-light vision (duration as darkvision).
93-95 Target dazed 1 round.
96-97 Random metamagic feat takes effect on the spell: Heighten Spell (4 Levels), Quicken Spell, or any other "+4 levels" metamagic feat used in your campaugn.
98-00 Reroll, ignoring results below 50. Surge effect lasts twice as long.