House Rules

This is the comprehensive listing for all rules we use that aren't standard D&D 3 / 3.5 E. That includes minor rules changes, like multi-classed BAB calculation, or major ones, like the addition of Wild Magic.

Table of Contents

Character Basics

Hit Points

When obtaining hit points for a new level, before rolling, a character may opt to simply take half the maximum of the die they would roll (for example, a wizard[d4] may simply take 2). When actually rolling for hit points, certain values are re-rolled, depending on the type of die used.

Hit Die Re-Rolling
Type of DieValues re-rolled
d8{1, 2}
d10{1, 2}
d12{1, 2, 3}

So, for example, a Fighter[d10] cannot gain less than 3 hit points(+/- Con modifier) per level.

BAB Calculation

Instead of merely adding up the BAB for each class a PC possesses, a somewhat different method is used. There are three different BAB progressions:
  1. Weak: HD x 1/2 (Wizard, Sorceror)
  2. Moderate: HD x 3/4 (Monk, Cleric)
  3. Strong: HD x 1 (Fighter, Barbarian).
To calculate your BAB, add up the number of levels you have of each BAB progression, calculate the BAB for it, then add up those totals.

For example, a Clr1/Rog1 would normally have a BAB of +0 (+0 for a Clr1, and +0 for a Rog1). However, in these rules, he would have a BAB of +1 (for two levels of moderate BAB progression). The main effect of this rule is to slightly increase the BAB of multiclased characters with two moderate BAB classes.

Saving Throws

Saving throws are calculated in much the same way as BAB. There are two saving throw progressions:
  1. Weak: HD/3, rounded down
  2. Strong: 2 + HD/2, rounded down-
To calculate your saves, determine how many levels you have of each save progression for each save, then use the formulae to determine your base saves. For example, a Clr 2 / Brb 2 would be broken down as follows (HD marked in red);

Fortitude: 4 Strong: 2 + (4 / 2): 4
Will: 2 Strong, 2 Weak: 2 + (2 / 2) + (2/3): 3
Reflex: 4 Weak: (4 / 3): 1

This keeps multi-class characters with multiple classes with the same strong saves from having incredibly high saves.


There are two important caveats regarding feats. First, a character may take any feat at any time they have an open slot; however, they cannot use that feat until and unless they meet the requirements. Additionally, characters may leave their slots open until such time that they select a feat. A list of altered, imported, and new feats can be found


There is no XP penalty for mutliclassing, with one stipulation. The multiclassing that occurs must be part of the character concept, or must be explained in-character during the game (for example, if someone decided to start taking levels as a wizard or monk, they would have to actively find someone to teach them.) If someone begins to obviously munchinize their character (it will take an agreement between the DM and a majority of the other PCs), that character will begin recieve double the XP penalty for multiclassing.


Alignment plays a drastically less important role in these campaigns. The choice is the same - LG to CE. However, characters are much freer to act without being constrained by their alignment. The rules allude to this as well, but alignments are much more open. Additionally, Detect spells do NOT trigger solely from a person's alignment. These spells trigger only on creatures with a much stroner association with that alignment - demons, devils, angels, elementals, etc.



Disregard the Orc stats in the MM. Orcs have the following stats: