Shits and Giggles

I started doing this page to Learn about HTML, and to provide a skeleton so others can see the basic layout I may provide for them.. I'm goin to try to update this page as often as I can.

Sorry folks I fell behind. Look for a complete new and revised update by November 2004 New sections will include: News/Current events Concerts Guestbook more Links..... and Buttons......... Please feel free to IM me links, web sites that you like, or know.........

This page is still under construction.

Blessed Be!

This page is dedacted to my Daughter Sabrina Ashley, the brightest star in my sky belongs to you. You are my insparation and my joy. I love you. Mommy dose miss you terribly.

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get this gear!

About me....
To thoese special people...
A dedication to Family n Friends.....
Suff I found along the way...
News and Current events