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The F.I.G. Business building system, offers an incredible opportunity to build a good monthly Income -- without a large out-of-pocket expense on your part. For only $10 a month you can remain active in F.I.G. and take advantage of their unique business building system. Here's how our whole program works...

Upon joining F.I.G., you are entered into the system, and F.I.G. will begin to build your Business for you.

First they will build one Business center in the "Mini Plan" that only takes 6 people to complete. Next, using money generated by the mini plan, they will move you into a second Business center for their "Fast Track Plan" which also requires 6 people to complete. Once your Business centers are complete, F.I.G. will place you into a powerful international program and buy you $140.00 worth of products of your choice EVERY month. These products include health care, personal care, and environmentally safe home care products. Did you get that?...F.I.G. will be paying for these products every month -- not you. All you have to do is pick which products you want...and use them.

As your two Business centers grow, you will start receiving checks from F.I.G., and those checks will more than cover your cost to stay active in the program.

Once your Business centers are complete, F.I.G. places you into a powerful program called ForMor International. As your Business grows with ForMor, you will start receiving checks from them. The checks from ForMor will grow very fast, because they have a high payout, and it doesn't take a large number of people in your Business to begin making a good Income. And your ForMor business will thrive because everyone in your 2 business centers in F.I.G. will also be in your downline in ForMor. You will have a ready-made ForMor downline!

F.I.G. will be placing new members into each person's Business center as a result of their National Advertising campaign, as part of their Business building system. Also, anyone that joins our group, will benefit from a large amount of spillover from our email ad campaign, and other advertising that we are doing.

If you are serious about building a good monthly Income, then this is an opportunity that is hard to pass up....

Look at the Bonus comparison at ForMor (click on link 'BONUS COMPARISON AT FORMOR' at bottom of this site).
Notice how much more you'd make from ForMor than from those other companies with the same amount of people. Everyone wants in ForMor these days... and it's an excellent profitable business that is doing great and will be around for a long, long time. The only problem is that most people cannot afford the $140 a month. But with F.I.G. you can be an active ForMor member and only have it cost you $10 a month. You need to make your decision now, whether or not to join and change your financial future for the better.

Here are some testimonials of a few ForMor members:

“I reached my goal of making over $31,600 per month with the company. Now I am on my way to my next goal of $100,000 per month. The great thing is that I am not making my money at the expense of the part-time distributor. What a compensation plan!!! More importantly, it is refreshing to deal with a company that actually values its distributors and considers us partners.” --David Nelson, Colorado

“I was working full-time as a manager for a grocery store chain. I was introduced to ForMor in December and began working the business part-time. I devoted a lot of my free time to the business, and in about four months, I was able to quit my grocery store job and work from my home as a full-time network marketer. It has been such a blessing to be able to be at home with my wife and my new baby girl. It is a freedom you can only dream of.” --David Mammarella, Florida

“After my fourth month, I was making a little over $2,000 a month and my wife was able to quit her job and become a full-time mom. After years of hard work as a part-time distributor, we have a compensation plan that actually delivers what it promises. My next goal is to go full-time in the business before the end of the year. Thanks for the opportunity.” --Bruce Yamamoto, California

“I am making money for the first time in network marketing. Working just a few hours a week, I was able to build a check of over $600 in a couple of months. My check keeps getting larger each month. My friends are also starting to make money. This is really fun. I wonder what would happen if I devoted more time to this.” --Sheila Asleson, Minnesota

“Don’t change a thing. The staff is friendly. Your products are excellent. And your compensation plan is second to none. The fact that your actual payout is higher than most companies potential payout makes this program very easy to promote and build.” --Joe Veight, New Jersey


If you wish to join F.I.G., then send me an email ( with "FIG ENTRY" in the Subject line. I would need the following Info. to be able to place your entry.

Email address:
Mailing address:
Shipping address(if different from mailing address):
SS#: You don't have to give this info. until you are comfortable with the program, but this would be needed by F.I.G. when you start receiving checks from them. This does not apply to International users.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me with those.

Thanks for your interest,

Other Sites To Visit:

ForMor International
Liberty/Coral Connection
