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The LG's are Back in the Studio

Friday, Oct. 18, 2002
Now that the stardom and the fans have worn off from the big Joe Tyler & the LG's show at The End, the LG's get back to putting that debut album together. Here is an recent exclusive mid-drum solo photo of Sidney working out a new tune. Pearl Flame Records reportedly had the entire recording studio repainted just to keep the LG's amused and happy. A senoir Pearl Flame executive was recently overhead commenting, "we'll do anything for (the LG's) to help them get their album together and get the hell out of here... of course I mean that in a good way. We love those guys."


Still Coming Soon

You Want Too Much preproduction art © 2001 Nashville Psychotronic

Advance cover art for the brand new smash hit from the LG's
You Want Too Much
Release date as yet to be determined.


LG's News:

Joe Tyler & the LG's at The End.
Written by: Alias. Oct.. 19, 2002

Ah, those fleeting moments of stardom, so brief, so wild. Relive the thrilling bygone days when Joe Tyler & The LG's played live before a festive crowd, and there was much rejoicing.

Joe Tyler & the LG's Articles

One Night Stand Photo Gallery


New photo's from the JoeJudy cookout!

It's Party Season.
Written by: Alias. June. 29, 2002

Summer is here and the folks down in East Nashville are just freaking out. Staying up late, eating, drinking, you know, partying. It is too hot to be sensible outside. Don't even try it.
In our efforts to stay up on the scene we have mobilized ordinary citizens to become part of our 2002 Party Patrol. We're checking out the scene and exposing the terrible heights of delerium perpetrated by the LG's and their co-conspirators.

See: Manly outdoor lounging!
See: Fully clothed swimming beauties!
See: Strange facial expressions
- and much, much, more

Click here, if you think you can take it.

The New Album

The LG"S are still in and out of the studio recording their new hit album You Want Too Much. Currently thare are around 10 songs recorded but bandmembers seem to be leaving town all the time, nobody knows anyone elses schedule. It's chaos, it's madness, it's rock & roll. They are shooting for 14 songs on this album.
God help them.

Quote of the Week:

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto their leader and gladly so. How do I know?
For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
----Julius Caesar

Thanks Ricky,


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Contact Us

If you can prove that any of these items belongs to you, or you have any other LG's related querstions, you can send an email to me.
Write "Attention Alias" as the first line of your email and sent it here.
Or if that dosent work (Netscape users) email me at
I aint saying I'll get back to you, but somebody will sooner or later.

Last updated Oct. 19, 2002 © Nashville Pychotronic ® LG's Clubhouse ™ $ !