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Labor of Love

"Like a reed within the wind, she and I have survived the winds of change, reality, and time.

I would rather cut Myself with this blade then let anything truely hurt her, and could hold her until the end of time to comfort her if need be. she is My star, light, and heart all in one. I have never loved anyone more." Jonathan B.

"He has conquered my dreams without even trying. my Thoughts have never left His side. through rain and Thunder and sunny days as well, He's been there, constant, the light that flickers at the end of my tunnel.

He completes me. And no matter how frightened i am of other things, i am confident in tearing through the storms and walking straight to Him to lovingly curl in His tender fist of steel. i love Him. and i am fully prepared to give to Him alone my gift of submission, wrapped in a silken chord, and shimmering bright in inside the box. And i trust Him do with it what He will" lauren b.

Yyou are about to enter the new home of Jonathan and His owned pet, kitten, and cherished one, lauren. Jonathan and lauren are in a loving D/s relationship and have been over the course of several months.

Wwe believe that love is everlasting. Wwe believe that true love can weather all storms. Wwe believe in fighting for the Oone Yyou love. Wwe believe in miracles. Wwe believe in fate and all those momo jumbos and clichés that apply. Wwe believe because Wwe know.

Officially opened on January 8rd, 2003(Oour 2 month collaring anniversary), this site will be presented as a labor of love. It is a gift to my Master, the Keeper of my heart, Jonathan.

i cannot wait to post more and more as Wwe grow together, Master. i cannot wait to see on paper just how amazing Wwe are. i thank someOone every day for it.

Thank Yyou for visiting Oour home.

This is not a pornagraphic site; nevertheless, it does contain adult content.

Therefore, by entering this site, Yyou are stating that Yyou are a legal adult (whatever age that may pertain in Yyour particular culture}. If this is true, please continue further in this site. If not, have a nice day.

Oh my goodness, everyOone. It seems that this site is nearing it's one month aniversary. And that Master and i are nearing Oour 3 month. Funny how things work like that, huhh? So much has happened in Oour lives since then. Wwe have yet to have that blessed event occur when Wwe are together r/t, though He becomes more and more tangible every day. Mostly, Wwe are working on Oour relationship one day at a time, one breath a moment. It seems i fall more in love with Him as time passes though. i didn't Think that was possible.

Well, goodness, i'm babbling, aren't i? Some updates to the site are the Forum, obviously. Please feel free to post whatever Yyou like there. Wwe enjoy the open discussion. And secondly, i am opening an icon page. It should be ready for orders in a few days, so please feel free to come back as often as Yyou like.

Happy Anniversary, Master. It seems the only time i get around to working on this sight anymore is durring Oour Anniversary. i'm sorry for that. Anyway, this site has reached it's 2 month mark and Master and i have reached Oour 4 months mark. Let's see, what has happened since last month? Well, it seems Wwe're closer and closer to meeting r/t. Oh! One extremely important thing: Master took another submissive and a very dear friend of mine under His Protection. As i don't have her permission to use her real name, Wwe'll just refer to her as subrina. This is actually, fairly recent as in a few days young. While i was not involved in the deciseion (*grumble grumble gripe*), i am quite content with it as Master can teach her so much, and she is just a dollface. So, ri ri, if you're reading this now, Wwe love you. As always, if Yyou have any feedback, email Master and i at

-leaving a little scavanger hunt for Master- Go to Oour discovery place.

Thought & dream

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Oour Online Collaring Ceremony

Oour Story

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A Little Bit About lauren

A Little Bit About Jonathan

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