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The Lexicon

Ladder Board
Mordekai Setting
Magic and the Planes
Action Pts

My DM Party

  • Ilexi, Human Monk (4)
  • Leomond Wormwood the Third, Human Sorcerer (4)
  • Kaladon, Human Fighter (2)/ Wizard (2)
  • Merly, Halfling Rogue (4)
  • Aust, Elf Druid (4)
My Adventuring Party
  • Jocoyln, Rogue (2)/Paladin (5)
  • Liryodelya, Elf Rogue (7)
  • Teg, Cleric of Hextor (7)
  • Pelee, Gnome Wizard (6)
  • Zahrat, Human Druid (7)

5/20 - Wow, it's been a long time. For anyone out there who actually reads this site, I've updated the party rosters. 10/27 - I added two spells, Earthcrest and Quake. I also added a prestige class, the Face Shifter.

10/25 - Sorry, its been way too long. I just started playing with a new group, this time as a player, so I now have to parties listed, the first being the one I DM, and the second being the one I play in. I'll try to add some useful stuff soon.

10/17 - Added the spell Hourglass and a few deities.

10/09 - Added the feats Fist of Steel, Holy Palm, and Spirit Blast. I also created a new deity. 10/07 - Finished the Animal Spirit, but I'll need to fix some things in the example creature. The template itself is alright though.

10/04 - Started work on a new monster template, the animal spirit. Its not done yet, but there is an example creature.

9/30 - Shuffled a lot of things around, which should make upkeep easier, even if things might take an extra click, and I added a link to the sweet and awesome ribbon man, who should have won the UnCon best monster competition. I am honored to have his permission to link to it.

9/29 - The ladder board is a go, and Nick's dwarf won the first match, making him the current leader.

9/28 - I added the months to the calender, as well as the four primary festivals. Perhaps later I will add other important events.

9/25 - Its been a little while, but I started a calender for the Mordekai campaign setting. So far all I have is the days of the week, but more will come shortly.

9/19 - Added the Ladder board for our upcoming DnD fight club. Also, I added some new provinces and started a page for the planes a few days ago, but never mentioned it in my log.

9/13 - Added the Life domain and the new spell, Undying Sun.

9/12 - I added a few new provinces and other stuff last night.

9/09 - Added the Red Kobold and the Plains Goblin to the list of races, as well as editing the Og'rin and adding a new feat, Daylight Adaptation.

9/05 - Added the Time domain to the deities page. I also changed the party to reflect my new players (Scott Hall! What!). 9/04 - After settling into my new home away from home, I added a few new feats.

Also, I can no longer be reasonably contacted at my AOL account.

8/22 - Added two new prestige classes, the watcher of the unseen.

8/20 - Added a page devouted to the currencies found in the land of Mordekai.

8/18 - I just finished organizing, so everything should hopefully be working all right (email me if they don't). I also just added a list of the four Also try james DOT daly AT hope DOT edu