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well i guess i've failed really bad at writeing stuff in here everyday but my life isn't that interesting and i've been really busy, takeing trash out to a dumpster at a house we're fixing up and selling. well on Sunday night i went to see a band called 24Idaho and they are very good check them out at . Weel i guess you may have noticed a little bit on the site about me talking about recording some songs or whatever, well a week ago today i went into the studio and my dad showed me how to use some of the gear (we got new gear now) and helped me out a lot with useing stuff but i played all the music myself, i recorded 2 songs (over the week) one is called ''View of The Ocean'' and is a nice slo easy going alsomst electro-celtic song which could put a lot of people so sleep but a lot of my friends like it (a lot!), and the 2nd song is still not yet titled but it's a really slo creepy almost gothic sounding song that i did some vocals on and i also played a real bass on (for those of you who have heard me play bass don't worry i knew what i was doing with this and it was easy!) and the words i say in it have no point i just wanted some vocals, that will prolly be the same with a song i'm working on now which also has real bass played by me (still very easy to do) but i'm not done with it yet, i'm still working on vocals,m a ending, and i wana add something else but i don't know what yet. hopefully i can get some music uploaded here soon but i think we may need DSL cuz one of our computers doesn't upload anything right and the other is just crap! well hopefuly i'll be able to update this page again soon with something cool!
this week has been kinda cool i guess, i went to youth group and played music and i went to my friend Beth's birth day party and i went to church. but nothing really interesting has hapend at all this week. today me and a friend were walking around at church and i stepped in the time puddle 2 times, that was about the most interesting thing that happend all week long. oh yeah and i played the hand drums again at church for offering (i didn't pee my pants this time, i didn't last time eather though....). now i'm home and none of my friends are online so i'm mad at them all and i'm gonna go update the Mosh Team web site now so please go check it out by going to my links page and clicking on the CYM Mosh Team link! thanks-Justin Wisner

