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The Investigation of Gilboa Cemetery

Location: Putnam County road L, close to the town of Gilboa.
Paranormal happenings rumored of:
1) At night you will here voices of children, and/or crying.
2) Some apparitions have been reportedly sighted.
3) Said to have children burried there from a Cholera epidemic in 1953.
4) Said to have had graves exhumed to be found empty.


I located the alleged haunted cemetery at during daylight at aproximently 6:00 pm. I stopped and nothing unusual was noted allthough there is a sign that reads "Cemetery closed, dusk-dawn" I'm not sure if that is a special occurance or not since this is my first cemetery investigation. I didn't walk through yet, I just wanted to locate it and scope it out. During this time no vibes or anything wierd was felt by me.


It's been awhile but I went back today at around 11:00 pm. As I approched in my vehicle I felt some sort of wierd vibes, allthough I cannot be certian if this was something extraordinary or if it was just fear. Once again I did not go through it yet. This was just to get a "feel" for it at night. I did not note anything unusual being sighted or heard. But I am sure that the place has something going on.


I found on a little writeup on this cemetery so I decided after all this time to go back on the case. The writeup just says that it is haunted by children who died of a Cholera outbreak in 1952, and their bodies are burried there.


I am on my way to the cemetery now. I am writing this because I am behind a tractor that is going about 15 mph. It is snowing out right now, and I cannot pass this tractor. I feel something important is going to come out of my visit today. There is a road construction sign that says "enter at your own risk" on the road, and here is a picture of the roadsign. I missed the road because I drove right by it. Im not trying to be paranoid right now, but thats four things that hindered my trip to the cemetery. 1) It's snowing pretty hard and roads are bad. 2) The tractor I was behind that I couldn't pass. 3) The road contruction sign. 4) I drove by the road. I stopped and for the first time I entered the realm of the dead. I was in their world now, in their space. As I started looking at gravestones I felt a feeling of not belonging there. When I looked at the dates, I saw no 1952's allthough I noiticed something very erie about the dates and ages of the deceased. When I started doing some math and also some of the ages on the stones, I came to the horrific realization that they are all children. Young children to, and they were in the mid 1800's. This is an old cemetery. I snaped some pictures of a few of the graves, and noted some of the ages. 2 Months and 26 Days, 12 Days, 10 Months and 7 Days. After a few pictures I got the feel of being wanted out, it was a very strong feeling and I left right away after that. This one grave was the one with the most vibes, I don't know what it is about it. The roads were very bad on the way home and I passed an accident, but I went all of 70 to get away from there. I will go back and mabey get some actual names to reasearch. Here are some pitures from this trip.
Overview One
Overview Two
Overview Three
Overview Four
10 Months 7Days
12 Days
2 Months 26 Days


Hey Im back, took a little break because of some serious relationship problems, but hey.. lets go to the cemetery! I got an email from Frank Calia telling my that in my pictures I had some apps (apparitions) I totaly missed over these when I looked at them but now I see them, I will probably head back tommorow for more pictures now. The first on he saw was in the overview one. See the face imprint on the tombstone? Next is overview two. Here is a closeup. You can clearly see a face here! This really sheds new light on this haunting, not many times do you actually get apparitions, mostly just orbs, this is proving my theories to be more true than I thought! Last is the overview three. Here is the first closeup. What do you see? Here is the second closeup. Two apparitions walking? I am really excited about my trip tommorow, sorry about the long time between updates, stay tuned.