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Luck Spells

Feeling unlucky? How about when you cast these spells?

Luck Spell

just say this words when the moon is full: "Lady of luck come out of your hiden course bless your light upon me as the light of the moon shines above and in the light of luck will be blessed i, when the moon is next to be full."

Moon Magick Spell for Good Luck

This spellworking is best done on the night of a full moon. Several candles are needed for this spell: a candle to represent yourself, an orange candle to represent sudden change, a silver or light grey candle to represent neutralisation of the bad luck, a black candle to represent the bad luck itself, and a magenta candle to hurry the luck-changing process. Anoint the candles with a prosperity oil, and set them in sturdy fireproof holders on your altar. Anoint the black candle from the end to the wick. Anoint the rest from the wick to the end. Light the candle representing yourself, and say: This is me, everything which represents me. Light the grey candle, and say: This will neutralize any remnants of bad luck. They will dissolve into nothingness. Light the orange candle, and say: This represents the changes for good which are coming into my life. I welcome them with open arms. Light the magenta candle, and say: This is the astral energy which I need to speed up the change. Now sit for several minutes, repeating to yourself: I welcome change, I welcome the incoming good. Let the candles burn out completely and dispose of the wax

Moon Magick Spell for Success

This spellworking is best done during the waxing or full moon. Have ready a small green or brown talisman bag, three silver coins, your cauldron, a pentacle, a small dish, cinnamon, cedar chips, and your wand. Set your cauldron on the pentacle. Place a small dish inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar chips on it. Beside the cauldron, lay your wand. Tap each coin with the wand as you chant: Glistening silver, coin of the moon Shiny and round, grant me a boon. Draw to my hands many more of your kind Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind. Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs. Stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron. Chant: Earth elementals, cunning and bright, With me share your treasures tonight. Share with me riches, silver and gold Successes, prosperity, all I can hold. Put the coins and the herbs in the talisman bag and lay it overnight in the moonlight. Either carry the bag with you, or keep it near your bed where you will see it every night.

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