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Involking Dragons

You Need:

Warning: Involking can be very dangerous if not done or handled properly! Not for those that are unexperienced with magick. Dont say I didnt warn ya!

To set up your area, put each candle at 4 corners of your circle, and one in front of where you will be standing/sitting(whichever you feel best doing). Take the statue and place it behind your center candle. With the element representatives, place them by their corresponding candles(North-Earth, East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water) and stand in front of your candle.

*****Remember: You dont have to have all these items in order for the ritual to work, and u can use more if you wish. You're never restricted to choices like this in magickal workings*****

First, cast a circle(the dragon magick way, though it doesnt really matter). Face each direction in your circle after you have done this and say : *Support me oh dragon of (element) in calling this dragon forth* and meditate the energy of the element representative flowing around the circle and into the statue as well. After all four corners have been done, sit in the center of your circle facing the dragon statue and call out:

*Dragon of the rising moon, dragon of the setting sun, it is your time, your room, of when your powers first begun. I call you now, please come to me oh ancient one, one of wise and one of crown, please come to me, dragon of the rising sun.*

Now meditate the power of the elementals circulating in you circle now combine into the statue and grow. Use this power to use any spells when/the dragon you involked comes to the circle. You will be able to tell when a dragon comes into the circle because you'll be able to feel it's presence and the power it carries with it. Be aware to whatever the dragon that enters the circle might tell you, for what the dragons say are said for a reason or to give you important knowledge.

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