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Dragon Blessing Ritual

*****Ritual of Blessing:*****

Return to altar and place a small amount of Frankincense on the burning charcoal in the incense burner,point forefinger to burner and say:

By Dragon Power ,I Call You Purified

Lift up the burner and carry it around the edge of cast Circle clockwise beginning and ending in the East. Return burner to the altar and slowly pass the Pentacle Disk through the incense smoke and say:

Element of Spirit,By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Lay the Pentacle Disk upon altar and place Salt Dish upon it. With forefinger of power hand circle the dish three times clockwise and say:

Out Of The Darkness Of Earth And Sea Comes The Blessed Salt, By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Sprinkle a few grains of Salt on all four corners of the altar,this purifies it and can be done at any time during ritual or as a cleansing if someone has messed about with the altar. Once altar is purified pick up Dragon Pentacle,pass it slowly through the incense smoke and say:

Element Of Spirit,By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified

With Dragon Pentacle in Power Hand go to Eastern Quarter,face East and say:

Dragons Of Air Behold Your Symbol and Ally

Move clockwise to the South,hold up the Dragon Pentacle,say:

Dragons Of Fire Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Go to the West,hold up the Dragon Pentacle ,say:

Dragons Of Water Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Finish by going North, hold up the Dragon Pentacle,say:

Dragons of Earth Behold Your Symbol And Ally

Return to the altar,lay aside the Dragon Pentacle and take up the Sword.Touch it briefly to the Pentacle Disk,pass through incense smoke,say:

Sword Of Fire, O name of Sword By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified

Hold Sword a few moments before Dragon Pentacle.Put Sword down pick up the Dagger ,touch it to Pentacle Disk,pass thrugh incense smoke,say:

Dagger Of Fire,O name of Dagger By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified

Hold Dagger a few moments before Dragon Pentacle. For each tool I set it briefly on the Pentacle Disk,pass it through the incense smoke,when finished with the Call, hold tool before Dragon Pentacle before returning it to altar.

Water Chalice:

Chalice Of Water By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified Wine Chalice:

Chalice Of Earth By Dragon Power,I Call You


Dragon Bowl:

Bowl Of Earth,You Holder Of Lands Far Distant And Near, By Dragon Power ,I Call You Purified

Gem Bowl:

Bowl Of Earth,You Holder Of Gems Bright And Powerful,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified


Wand Of Air,Wielder Of Might And Magick By Dragon Power, I Call You Purified


Staff Of Spirit,Authority And Power Are Yours,By Dragon Power,I Call You Purified

Water bottles:

Containers Of Water,Holder Of Great Seas And Rivers,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified

Gong,finger cymbals,or bell:

You Element Of Air,Whose Musical Notes Reach To The Dragon Worlds,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified


Eye Of The Dragon,You Element Of Earth,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified

Herbs and Oils consecrate them by circling three times with wand ,say:

Herbs ( Oils ) Of Earth,Given By Dragons Of Light And Darkness,By Dragon Power I Call You Purified

After the calls are made it is an excellent time to chant and use free-form dancing.Invite the Dragons to share in raised Energy and joy of being a Magician. Talk to them about hopes and dreams and listen to see if they have any thoughts or suggestion and words of encouragement ,this is a opportunity to forge close friendships with the Dragons.

*****Closing the Ritual:*****

Take Sword in Power Hand,wand or staff in the other.Hold Sword up in salute,go to


Dragons Of Air,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise.

Clockwise to the South,say:

Dragons Of Fire,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In Magick.Farewell O Dragons Great And Wise.

Go to the West,say:

Dragons Of Water,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise

Go to North,say:

Dragons Of Earth,Behold The Tools Of Magick,Consecrated By Dragon Power. Let Us Be One In Magick.Farewell ,O Dragons Great and Wise.

Return to altar,point the sword at the Dragon Pentacle,say:

Dragons Of Spirit,Highest Of Dragons And Most Powerful,Bless This Altar With Your Fire.Let Us Be One In Magick.Farewell,O Dragons Great And Wise.

With a backward sweep of the Sword across the boundary of the circle ,cut the circle.Extinguish the altar candles.Leave the ritual tools on or around the altar overnight to be further empowered.The Dragons may inspect them during this time and add special blessings to them. It is important to realize that I work with Dragons as partners and Co-magicians and I have to be firm in my intentions but willing to listen to their point of view.A magician tries to gain control over Dragons at his/own peril.

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