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Your Source for DnD 3E Help Here!!


     Yo sup all ya DnD'ers out there have you noticed lately that you really can't tell who

plays any more?


  1. Don't cheat
  2. know when to bribe the DM
  3. know your characters Ablitys
  4. Dont be to annoying to the DM you might regret it
  5. Know if the DM's making up rules
if your the DM dont do these
  1. ask the paladin what he's thinking every 15 minutes
  2. put people up against monsters that are way to powerful
  3. dont be a stupid to your players
  4. Never pick favorites
Send Page suggestion to
DnD Quest's of Fame
send me your quest's to me by my email and i will post them on this site
  1. Finding a ancient City
  2. Find and destroy a unique Creature
  3. Destroy the 4 Elementals before they destroy the world
  4. Destroy the tarrasque before he reachs the kingdom
  5. find the lost orical in the mystic mountains

DnD Story's
M.Silver Wind - as it is me the one who created the site i have a funny story about a quest i DM'ed this kids character named maralish (lvl 1) (Halfling) decided to fight a dragon at the dragon caves north of a town called nesborth me the DM tried to stop him from doing this stupied action but he said to me that he didnt care so i said do what you want its your character so he gets there and he fights a dragon (BOOM) gets his body fried by a dragon

-------------- Hey send in those storys --------------

treasure chest from 3:00 till 9:00 i have a session on thursday

Spells of the week (5)
  1. Banishment
  2. Alarm
  3. delay/blast fireball
  4. fire seeds
  5. gasous form

DnD Hall Of Fame
  1. M.SilverWind
  2. Magosis
  3. Light

Dice Center
What dice type? How many dice to roll?

3 Sided

4 Sided

5 Sided

6 Sided

8 Sided

10 Sided

12 Sided

20 Sided

30 Sided

100 Sided











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