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Brandy And Cami
Brandy and Cami making out topless. Bad quality but this is all you get! Taped by Donny, Winter 04/05

Connor's Last Words
Connor is high and worried. Btw, he never really had sex with JHo. Taped by Connor, Summer 04

Donny's First Dip
Donny's first and only dip at taco bell. Taped by Steven Cline, Winter 04/05

Alison's tits for Jay (The Taco Bell Guy)
Here I confront the taco bell worker and proceed to flash him Alison's boobies. Taped by Darren, Winter 04/05

Mr. Freed Part 1
This is our first encounter with Mr. Freed. He is angry and Christina wants to fight his sister. Taped by Donny, Winter 04/05

Mr. Freed Part 2
We meet Mr. Freed at taco bell. I am under the influence. Taped by Donny, Winter 04/05

Stephen says Fuck You
Nuff Said. Taped by Steven, Winter 04/05

Darren gets a happy hug
Brandy gives Darren a happy hug. Taped by Connor, Winter 04/05

Logan on LSD
He wasn't really on LSD, but he might as well be. Taped by Steven, Winter 04/05

Donny gets passed out
Here I get passed out. Taped by Jennifer HOuser, Fall 04.

Planting the Poo
Here Andrew and Eric videotape from his truck while I drop a dollar bill covered in poo infront of Safeway. Spring 2003

Discovery of Poo
A husband/wife walk by. The Wife picks up the poo $, drops it, the husband picks it up, drops it, and smells his hand. Taped by Andrew Spring 2003.

Unsucceful Poo
Austin videotapes the poo but nobody picks up its scent. Austin's commentary. Taped by Austin, Spring 2003

Another tape of Stephen
Here is Stephen being himself. Taped by Steven, Winter 04/05

Sysko getting passed out
Here we pass out sysko. Taped by Donny, Fall 04.