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Download track "scenario"


:: Discography ::  

coming soon ... still under construction  

:: Statement :: What does Devoted Symbols 'stand for'?

It's about electronic music, or synthpop or whatever you call it.

Most of the songs have no meaning in the political sence; some do...
Some are about hate, love and sex;
some against the media-overkill and sell-out of all these emotions that make us a living breathing (human) being...

The name of the band comes from the common fact that symbols have always played a big role in the existence of mankind.
From the religious symmetrics to the logo on your favorite sportshoes.
They give meaning and identification to those who desperately seek it, need it.
But in a way, it's just a name and nothing more.
Some day our logo may be devoted as well by hurdes of fans;
and then - as they say - the circle is complete, the irony has settled and we can all go home; 'a job well done'...

We compose our music mostly with electronic instruments without a cold technological approach.
There always has to be some "dirt in the speakers".

Visuals play a big role in our stage acts and in any publication of DS;
without overshadowing our main asset.


:: Biography ::

coming soon ... still under construction  

:: Line-up ::

Udo Van Roosbroeck

Sam Devos

Tim Van Den Broeck

:: Contact ::