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Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram

Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra

Aryalokiteshvara Bodhisattva gambhiram Prajna Paramita caryam caramano,

When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practising the profound Prajna Paramita,

vyavalokiti sma panca-skanda asatta sca svabhava sunyam pasyati sma.

he illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty

Iha Sariputra, rupam sunyam, sunyata lva rupam,

Thus Sariputra, Form is emptiness; emptiness is form

rupa na vrtta sunyata. Sunyataya na vrtta sa-rupam,

Form does not differ from emptiness, Emptiness does not differ from form;

yad rupam sa-sunyata, yad sunyata sa-rupam.

Form itself is emptiness, emptiness itself is form.

Evam eva vedana, samjna, sam-skara vijnanam.

So too are feeling, perception, formation and consciousness.

Iha sariputra, sarva dharma sunyata laksana.

Thus Sariputra, all dharmas are empty of characteristics.

Anutpanna, aniruddha, amala, a-vimala, anuna a-paripurna.

No birth, no cessation, no defilement, no purity, no increase and no decrease

Tasmat Sariputra, sunyatayam na rupam.

Therefore Sariputra, in emptiness there is no form.

na vedana, na samjna, na sam-skara, na vijnanam.

no feeling, no preception, no formation, no consciousness.

na caksu, srotra, ghrana, jihva kaya ,manasa.

no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind.

na rupam, sabda, ghandha, rasa, sparstavya,

no appearance, sound, smell, taste, object of touch, dharmas.

Na caksur-dhatu, yavat na manovijnanam-dhatu.

No field of eyes, up to and including no field of mind consciousness.

Na avidya, na avidya ksayo,

No ignorance, no end to ignorance,

yavat na jara-maranam, na jara-marana ksayo.

Up to no old age and death, no ending of old age and death.

Na dukha, samudaya, nirodha, marga.

No sufferings, no origin (of sufferings), no cessation (of sufferings), no path.

na jnana, na prapti, na abhi-samaya.

No wisdom, no attainment, no non-attainment.

Tasmat na prapti tva Bodhisattvanam,

Since the Bodhisattva have no attainment,

prajna-paramitam a-sritya vi-haratya citta avarana,

He abides by means of Prajna-Paramita with unobscured mind.

citta avarana na sthitva, na trasto.

Since there is no obscuration of mind, there is no fear.

vi-paryasa ati-kranta nistha nirvanam.

He transcends falsity and attains complete parinirvana.

Try-adhva vyavasthita sarva Buddha Prajna-Paramitam

All Buddhas of the three times by means of Prajna Paramita

A-sritya Annutara-Samyak-Sambodhim, Abhi-sambuddha.

fully awaken to unsurpassable truth, complete enlightenment.

Tasmat, jnatavyam Prajna-paramita Maha-Mantra,

Therefore, know that Prajna-Paramita is a Great Mantra.

Maha-vidya Mantra, Anuttara Mantra, asama-samati Mantra.

A Mantra of great insight, an unsurpassable Mantra, an unequalled Mantra,

sarva duhkha pra-samana satyam amithyatva.

that calms all sufferings should be known as truth without deception.

Prajna Paramita mukha Mantra

The Prajna-Paramitra Mantra is recited thus

Tadyatha, Gate Gate Para-gate Para-samgate Bodhi Svaha


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