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Jedi Knight Dack Mason's Lil' Shindig


11-23-2002 ~ I’m slowly beginning the long process of Constructing my website. I had like a short burst of creativisome and then it went away, so now I’m putting dates on my progress as to show how long and slow I’m currently moving. More later…

We include this nice analogy for you at the cost of nothing.


The basis of this analogy is centered on Altoids, yes Altoids, the lovely yet addictive little mints. On the box of these lovely mints is the phrase “curiously strong”. That’s kind of like that special girl of yours. See at first you can only take her in small doses, right? Eventually though you begin to like the burn, you acquire a taste for it. But it scares you, cause you’re afraid one day the drugstore’s gonna be flat out of Altoids, then what? So you pick up some cinnamon gum or some, uh, you know spearmint TicTacs. But guess what? Nothing else is gonna cut it for you anymore. You're addicted to Altoids…to her. No other mint or gum will be able to replace that feeling you get from Altoids.....There you have it.

Things to do and look at

RPG info
My views on women