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I started this webpage on 7/24/01 just as an outlet of expression. There will never be anything facinating here, just my stoopid shite. I guess I should start this page with an introduction, my name is adam, I used to play guitar in the bands Opus and euphoric. I was also the webmaster for euphoric's homepage. You most likely wont find anything of interest here. I'm just a burnt out kid with burnt out thoughts and ideas. Of course I appreciate your visit anyway. -adam.

[1/15/03] hidden chemicals are like visual missles. the pain is temporary and then you die. youre not immortal. live.

[its only karate index girl]


Below are some links to the contents of this page

[useleSs 411]
[beYond your mirror]
[his vaNity is appalling]
[bEtter places]
[ears bleeD]
[broNco II]
[this iS me]


saved by life - new project coming soon.

©2003 Breakdance Robot Productions

