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Not too long ago

Part 9

Sarah opened her door as the flood of people started coming into her house. It started around 7 and it was now 8:30. She didn't know all of these people. Nick invited most. Word just spread that there was a party going on so they came.

"We need more drinks." Nick said to Sarah.

"That's no surprise. Look at all these people. The drinks are-nevermind I'll go get them myself."

"You sure you can handle it?"

"Yeah. Answer the door for me."


Sarah headed into the pantry and retrieved the drinks. Going down the hall to the dining room she glanced at the door to see if anyone she knew had arrived. Brian came through the door and she paused. From behind him Leighanne emerged. The drinks slipped in her hand and she regained herself. What had she expected? She asked herself for a third time that day. How had she gotten herself into situations like this? Him and his wife at her party, in her house? She had invited him, Leighanne doesn't seem like the type to stay at home while her husband goes partying.

She waited until Brian and Leighanne moved on before joining Nick at the door.

"Brian's here. And Leighanne." Nick whispered in her ear.

"Yeah, I know."

Nick studied her face. She hoped it was the mask of concentration.

She didn't have to worry long. A redhead peeked her head into Sarah's front door.

"Sarah, Nick!" She called before fully extending her head.

"Kandi! Come in." Nick pulled her into a hug. He looked behind her.

"Howie didn't feel well. He sends his regards."

"Oh, let me introduce you. Sarah this is Kandi, D's girl. Kandi, Sarah."

"Now you know I'm not anyone's girl." She turned to Sarah, "Anyway, I brought some incesene and candles for the new place and boy am I glad because this place has a bad vibe to it. I'ma go light some now."

"Sure, the living room's that way." Sarah pointed down the hall.

Afer Kandi left she turned back to Nick. "Howie's seeing a spiritualist?" Nick nodded. "Hmm."

"Let's go enjoy the party."

Sarah led Nick onto the dance floor and let loose. She didn't consider herself a dancer per se but she could handle herself next to Nick. After they danced a couple of songs, Sarah realized she was actually enjoying her own party, mostly in part to Nick. He introduced her to more people to help her a lot people she didn't know and helped her make connections in Orlando. She was talking about her work to a few people when Kevin came over.

"I've never understood why you like writing so much." He replied.

"Well," She searched for a hook. "It's like you create this beautiful that flows from your fingers on the piano. I do sort of the same thing with words and letters. Excuse me."

She headed for the drinks. She was tired from dancing and although she had the air fixed, Kandi's candles made the room seem hotter. She stood back and surveyed the party scene. Everyone looked like they were having fun. She smiled. It was a successful party.

From the corner of her eye she saw Leighanne walk in her direction. Sarah's good mood quickly deflated like a balloon.

"Oh, hello Sarah." Leighanne's fake smile was plastered to her face.

Sarah gave a brief nod, crossed her arms and went back to observing the party. She hoped it was a indication that she didn't want to be bothered but Leighanne obviously didn't get the point.

"You know I'm sorry again about this afternoon. If only I'd known you were one of Brian's old buddies. It's just that well, he's never once mentioned you."

Sarah clenched her jaw to keep from saying anything. This was her party and no matter how hard Leighanne tried she wouldn't ruin it.

"I wished I'd known about you earlier. I would have invited you to the wedding. But of course that was close to a year ago. A year of perfect happiness. We've been so happy with each other and so in love. It's hard to find a man now adays you can really trust, know what I mean? I guess you must. You're still single, of course. But with Brian it's nothing but trust and confidence. We are so secure in our marriage."

It was really too much. Sarah had to stop it.

"Here you are preaching your marriage for the whole world to hear. But who are you trying to convince? You see me as a threat. You talk about all the trust and confidence in your marriage. I guess Brian forgot to mention an old lover. Let me ask you something-how long have you know Brian?"

"Two years."

"Oh." Sarah walked off with a smile on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing." She waved her hand. "Enjoy the party."

Nick came up to her. "Ready to hit the dance floor again?" He spotted Brian on the floor. "Nevermind. I don't want to cause a scene."

"I'm not letting him spoil my fun. I want to dance."

She danced right up to Leighanne and Brian. Soon it became a competition between Leighanne and Sarah. Sarah forgot about Nick and focused all her energy on Leighanne and Brian. Before long she completely forgot about Nick until he walked off the floor in anger. Sarah realized what she'd done and followed after him.

She found him on the stairs to the back door.

"I thought we were having fun." He said.

"Yeah we were."

"Well then what the hell happened out there on there?"

"I don't know." She sat down beside him.

"You can't keep holding on to Brian. Let it go."

"You don't understand Nick. I can't let him go."

"I can't sit by and watch him hurt you again." He touched her face softly.

"What do you mean?"

Their faces came close together to an almost kiss.

"Uh Nick."

Sarah stood but all she could see was a blonde standing in the doorway. The blonde stepped forward.

"Oh my god Sarah I haven't seen you in years and when I come to your party you're out here in the back with my brother. Come back into your party. Your guests are getting antsy. I heard Nick was supposed to be hleping you host it but you know you can't count on him for anything."

BJ and Sarah shared a laugh as they hugged each other. They started to go back in together.

"Nick you coming?" BJ asked.

"Nah, I need some fresh air. I'm going to stay out here for a minute."

"Are you sure?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, just a little while."

Sarah placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be too long."


*Part 10*

