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<-The Pics->

-->Ku cPc pics part I page 1

-->Ku cPc pics part I page 2

-->cPc part II

-->cPc part III

-->Ku cPc pics part II page 1

-->Ku cPc pics part II page 2

-->cPc part V 1/2/03

-->Ku cPc 1/24/03 & 1/31/03 part III page 1 **new**

-->Ku cPc 1/24/03 & 1/31/03 part III page 2**new**

-->Ku cPc 1/24/03 & 1/31/03 part III page 3**new**

<-Hit us up->

-->Email: Jon aka O-Shit

-->AIM: theprodigy333

-->Email: Zack aka S-ex

-->AIM: redragon07

-->Email: Sean aka T-bone

-->AIM: sstunna21

-->Email: Dion aka M-utilation

-->AIM: w0rdsmyth

-->Email: Nick aka F-face

-->AIM: nickhead2004















What's Happening:

<-Date to be Determined->
I'm looking forward to another night of partying at Ku with the cPc crew. Hopefully soon...

<-Trying to get new members->
If you wanna join cPc or know anyone that would be a fit for this crazy ass crew..let us know. Hit up our email!

>>Hott Links<<

-->Miniclip- Cool Games

-->Stile Project

-->Steak&Cheese- Crazy Ass Pics

-->Urban Dictionary

-->My Xanga Journal

-->Dion's Xanga Journal

<-cPc News->

2/04/03 4:27pm: Update
Huuuuge update with toooons of pictures. Check em out. holllla nucccas
1/13/03 11:35pm: Update/News
Put up Dion's journal, on the right under links, and im gonna put up some new pics once i get a few more..also gonna put up more links and some funny aim convos..peacee
1/04/03 5:10PM: Site Update
Added New pics and new links..check em out..gonna put up a guestbook later..maybe
1/04/03 2:38AM: News
I have new pics and links that im gonna put up just too damn tired to do it now..oh and OSU WON THE NCAA NATIONAL i said
12/17/02 9:54PM: News
Finally gonna start updating this site again soon..stuff has been kinda slow but it'll be picking up again no doubt.
11/18/02 8:11PM: Fixed Link
I fixed the link finally, thanks for letting me know. I need profiles from you guys about yourselves so i can get that shit up too..I was thinking about putting up a list of hot songs, lemme know. lata
11/17/02 2:11AM: Site Update
Why am I still up? I dunno..but anyways i got the new cPc Ku pics part II up. That was a crazy night, check it out for yourself.
11/16/02 1:35PM: Some News
What a crazy night at Ku last night. So many people and so much alcohol.I'll put the pics up later tonite.
11/14/02 11:36PM: Site Update II
Added some links on the right..Let me know of others I should add.
11/14/02 4:40PM: Site Update
Finished making the banners for the profile pages..soon the profile pages will be made.
11/12/02 9:31PM: New Member!!
Dion aka M-utilation has joined the Capital Punishment Crew!! That leaves us at 5 far. He's going to join S-ex and myself(O-shit) on Friday for Ku part II.
11/12/02 4:15PM: New Site!!!
I finally have the new site up & running and I finally have all the pics up!! I also have to get the message board and guest book back up soon.