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The Basics
Ability Scores
Saving Throws
Basic Character Races
Armor Class
Basic Character Classes I
Basic Character Classes II
Basic Character Classes III
Skills Overview
Skills I
Skills II
Equipment I
Equipment II
Combat Basics
Combat Actions
Combat Modifiers
Carrying, Moving & Seeing
Conditions Summary
Familiars, Mounts & Companions
Death, Dying, and Healing
Breaking and Attacking Objects
Special Abilities
Hazards & Obstacles


Cormyr, an ancient kingdom of renown, was rebuilding itself after constant war the past few years. Alusair Obarskyr now sat as Regent for her newborn nephew. The goblinkin were spread thin throughout the kingdom, but more than numerous enough to still present a very harsh problem. From the Stonelands came order for the goblinkin, making them withdraw from human lands.

In the Stonelands, things stirred that hadn't moved in countless centuries. Goblins, orcs, and ogres were seen working together under an influenced hand. Those few brave royal scouts who dared to enter the Stonelands often saw large hordes of goblinkin training, becoming much more than simple-minded beasts. News spread throughout Cormyr of the Stonelands becoming an organized force to fear.

Alusair sent out the call, requesting those who wished to become Cormyrian nobility to take arms. Whoever could cleanse the Stonelands of its current problems would be allowed to rule over it under the Cormyrian throne. The call went out, and countless people answered. At the borders of the Stonelands, temporary towns were established. The Purple Dragons and the War Wizards showed their support of those who took up the call.

Rather than allowing people to simply show up and enter the Stonelands unprepared, the Royal Dragons and War Wizards saw to it that people were put together in groups to ensure their safety. Once a group was put together, the names and professions were written in a ledger to ensure that things went smoothly. After which, the group would sign the ledger under their own page and be given a proper adventuring name. At this time, the group would be given a small supply of magical healing and money for supplies.

However, rumors were starting to go around of the Stonelands' armies amassing to unleash a new war upon Cormyr. Urgency was of utmost importance. Can the goal be accomplished, and the hidden leader behind all of the armies be revealed? That is yet to be seen.


The helpful materials posted on this site belong to Wizards of the Coast. These helfpul materials are their intellectual property, and we do not seek to infringe upon the copyright they are held under.

Magic Overview
Arcane Spells
Divine Spells
Schools of Magic
Spell I (Bard through Ranger spell lists)
Spell II (Wizard & Sorcerer spell list)
Spells (A)
Spells (B)
Spells (C)
Spells (D)
Spells (E)
Spells (F)
Spells (G)
Spells (H)
Spells (I)
Spells (J, K & L)
Spells (M)
Spells (N & O)
Spells (P)
Spells (Q & R)
Spells (S)
Spells (T)
Spells (U, V, W, X, Y & Z)