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#Califlip Copy right ? 2002 all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly forbidden .


No Flooding! Only a maximum of two repeatition is allowed. No Channel or Script Advertising ! The use of obscene and vulgar words to harrass or to discriminate any Chatter/Operator will not be tolerated in #Califlip. Chatters should avoid typing words or long sentences in capital letters for it is considered shouting.

Operators are the people responsible in maintaining an informative, fun and clean chatting environment in #Califlip. Thus, the following are the major responsibilities and rules that an

Operator MUST follow : Operators must use their registered-op nick while chatting as an operator in #Califlip.
WARNING: NEVER! EVER! share your Operator (@) access no matter what the situation maybe. When kicking or banning a chatter who does not follow Califlip's Channel rules, an operator must provide a valid reason for kicking or banning or for both kicking and banning a chatter. Operators should be alert. Operators are responsible for monitoring rule-breaking actions of every chatter. Operators are expected not to be idle for an hour. If an Operator is idle for more than an hour, they will be "de-oped" (-o) in the channel. Operators should be active. Inactive Operators for twenty-five (25) consecutive days will be removed from #Califlip Access list. An operator who breaks the #Califlip Operator Rules or fails to carry his or her responsibilites will be removed from #Califlip Access list. VOICE RULES:

In #Califlip, Voiced-chatters are recognized as operators in training. Voiced-chatters are also responsible in maintaining an informative, fun and clean chatting environment in #Califlip. Having a voice (+) access will allow you to kick a chatter who does not follow #Califlip's rules.

Voiced-chatters are privileged to use the following commands: To use a kick command, type: !vkick

To use a ban command, type: !vban
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