Name: Brock Lesnar Height: 6'5" Weight: 295 lbs. From: Webster, SD

Win/Loss/Draw Record Titles Held People Used People Mentioned Location of Roleplay OOC Comment
Singles = 8/2/0

Tag Team = 1/0/0

WCF World Champion, WCF Tag-Team Champion Brock Lesnar, Jim Ross Buff Bagwell, Lita, Test, Spike Dudley, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit Brock's Locker Room Pay-Per-View Roleplay # 3



*** Brock Lesnar is sitting at his desk having when Jim Ross walks in and wants to have a chat. Brock willingly agrees and they commence...***

[Jim Ross] Why Hello Brock, would you like to start by addressing your matches live tonight at King Of The Ring?

Now, I’m Pretty sure that I’ve addressed my match with Buff Bagwell rather well, so tonight, rather than focus too much on Buff, I’m going to focus on my other opponents in the upcoming King Of The Ring matches later on tonight after I kick the crap out of Buff Fag-Well… Now, if and when I beat Bagwell, I will be subject to fight either Chris Jericho who got it easy in the quarter finals, Test who was a former stable mate of mine, Lita who I don’t think will pass the test in the quarters, Spike Dudley, who I can step on, and Chris “The Canadian Crappler” Benoit, who doesn’t scare me one single bit!

[Jim Ross] Well, would you be pleased if you face Chris Jericho your stable mate tonight at King Of the Ring semi-finals?

I wouldn’t really care, because God only knows that when I am placed in a match, I’ll do whatever I can to win, whether it be Buff Bagwell I’m facing, or Chris Jericho, or even Stephanie McMahon! A man’s got to do, what a man’s got to do, and what I got to do, is win, so Jericho if we do end up facing each other, let’s put no hard feelings into this, and just have a plain old fair match, where I will come out victorious, because c’mon! You know, I’m Brock Lesnar! I’ve held gold before! You are still young to this federation, like I once was! But one thing set’s me apart from you, I had desire! You have cockyness, which would usually bother me, but not you, you don’t bother me, but again, a man’s got to do, what a man’s got to do… so Jericho, I wont hurt you too much… Good Luck…

[Jim Ross] And if you win that match you will advance to the semi-finals and face one of four men… or I should say three men, one woman. Lita. How would you fell if you faced her in the finals?

Well, wow… A woman! I haven’t faced one before… well… except those three matches against Hulk Hogan, but I don’t think he would count. Now as I’ve stated before, I don’t care who I face as long as I win, and I know if I face Lita, a former Inner Circle stable mate of mine, I wont go to hard on her, because c’mon, it’s Lita! She ain’t no top-dog herself! I will totally demolish her, but I wont kill her. She’s good to keep around, to send messages to people or something! She can be my slave, for sparing her life! She’s just lucky I think she’s pretty, otherwise she wont last a minute in the Ring with the Next Big Thing!

[Jim Ross] Now, if Lita doesn’t surpass Test in the quarters of the King Of The Ring she wont make it into the semi-finals. How would you feel if you fought Test is he made it to the finals?

Well, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if I did indeed fight Test in the finals of the King Of The Ring tournament, because he is a bright star, and he did indeed leave the Inner Circle as did I, so I know Test will cut it first against Lita, than against whomever he faces in the finals! Test, I’ll still beat your ass! Don’t think I’m your friend, because I’m not! I’ll still lay a beating to you! If you can beat me, then maybe I’ll respect you, but you beating me… no… that ain’t gonna’ happen! I’m too good for you! You can be a mini rip-off of Kevin Nash all you want, but I’ve beaten Nash before, so I know exactly what it’s like to fight someone like you, and if and when I do face you I’ll be prepared! But will you be prepared? Prepared for what? Prepared to Lose!

[Jim Ross] Now, Test vs. Lita is just one of the quarter finals match-ups, the other is indeed a tough one! It has Spike Dudley taking on Chris Benoit, how would you measure upto Spike Dudley, if you had to face him in the finals?

How would I measure up? Well, for instance, look at him! That guy is twelve pounds! I can step on him and eat him for breakfast! And now, look at me! 295lbs. Of pure muscle! No one can stop me, and even if someone manages to, it wont be that little Dudley family runt, Spike! He wants to be called Spike? I’ll show him a Spike Piledriver so bad that his neck will pop into two pieces just like snapping my fingers! Spike is no match for my cat, let alone me! He can’t measure up to me… and I say that literally! Honestly, if I were a father of a newborn, my newborn would be bigger and stronger than Spike! Please, explain to me how this imbecile got a job with the same company, the World Championship Federation, who have such excellent stars, like ME for instance!

[Jim Ross] Now, the last possibility of your opponent in the finals if you should make it, is Chris “The Canadian Crippler” Benoit…

Canadian Crippler? Yeah right! More like Canadian Crappler! This guy thinks he has talent? He doesn’t! He’s another well possibility that I might face him in the finals! Why? Because he has his lips so far up Vince Russo’s ass, when Vince Talks you can see them! Dude, your no match for me! You might make it to the finals because of your acquaintances, that’s why, not because of your wrestling skills! And you think your all good because you are one half of the Tag-Team Champions? No! I don’t think so buster! If you recall, who won that title for you? Me! Mike Awesome & me won those Title’s, I solely gave it to you, and this world title, and you’re not getting it! This title is going back around my waist, where it belongs! So Benoit… Get Ready To Lose!

[Jim Ross] Well, Brock any last comments to add, or any last things to say to any of the King Of The Ring participants?

Not really, but whoever my opponents are.. BE AFRAID!

*** Jim Ross bids farewell to Brock Lesnar and leaves
