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Learn Blue Card Magic

Beginner card tricks

Ace party

Effect: With the spectators help you flip all the cards into piles.After on examination,all the aces are on top

Preparation: Arrange the deck like so: three Aces on the bottom and one on the top.


Ask the spectator to tell you when to stop putting down cards. Begin dealing cards face down on the table. Continue until they have you stop. After the first pile is down, stick the card deck, still in your hand, under the table and put the bottom card on top. This gives you an Ace on the top. Repeat the above steps until you have four piles. Then flip over all the piles to show an Ace on the bottom of each!

Do as I Do

 EFFECT: This effect was used in the film 'Magic' starring Anthony Hopkins and is a real classic piece of card magic. The magician and the performer each have a deck of SHUFFLED cards. The spectator is asked to copy every move that the magician makes (hence the title of the trick 'Do as I do') the magician chooses a card from one pack and then the spectator freely chooses a card from the other pack. The outcome is very magical and quite startling - both cards match!

THE SECRET: Start off by having two decks of cards, one red backed and one blue backed. Ask the spectator to shuffle BOTH packs and then hand you any pack whilst keeping the other one for himself (in this example lets assume he hands you the blue deck) OK now follow the steps below carefully!

Shuffle your blue deck (make sure spectator shuffles his red deck).

SECRETLY glimpse the bottom card of YOUR deck whilst shuffling (This is the hardest part of trick! so be careful, don't get spotted!).

OK lets say in this instance you spot the ten of clubs, you must remember this card because it is your KEY CARD.

Now swap decks with your spectator, place the cards face down in front of you (making sure spectator does the same) and say the following line

"I have shuffled the cards that now lie in front of you, and you have shuffled the cards that lie in front of me! neither of us could know the order of the cards that we now have, is that correct ?"

You should now have the red deck and the spectator should have the blue deck with the KEY CARD on the bottom.

Now spread your cards in a straight line from left to right (making sure spectator does the same).

Hold your pointed finger about 3 inches above the spread at one end and slowly and deliberately move back and forth over the deck (making sure spectator does the same).

Now drop your finger onto the spread (about halfway) and pull out a card, look at the card making sure nobody else sees it! but DO NOT REMEMBER THIS CARD! IT IS A BLUFF! make sure your spectator takes a card and remembers it, say the following "You have had a free choice of a card! is that correct ? Please remember your card"

Now place your card ON TOP of your spread deck (making sure spectator does the same).

Gather up the cards, being careful not to disturb the order (making sure spectator does the same).

Give the deck ONE complete cut (making sure spectator does the same).

Now swap decks again (you should now have the blue deck again).

Tell spectator to find his card and place it FACE DOWN on the table whilst you do the same. What you really do is look through the deck and find your KEY CARD (in this case ten of clubs) the card immediately to the right of it will be the spectators selection! take it out and place it face down onto the table.

TIP: Try and get your card onto the table first! it looks better.

That's it you are finished! build up the suspense by talking about coincidence and free choice etc. then get the spectator to turn over his card, build up more suspense then slowly turn over your card!

Card on the ceiling

Props: A deck of cards, Tape

Effect: Have a spectator select a card, and remember it. Mix the cards very good. Then, chuck the cards up at the ceiling. They all fall back down except for 1 card, which is the selected card.

Secret: Loop a piece of tape, so that the outside is sticky. Place that on your pointer finger. When the spectator puts the card back on the top of the deck, slide the piece of tape on to it. Mix the cards around, but keep their card on the top and don't let them see the tape. Make sure you throw the cards very hard at the ceiling, so they stick.

Torn And Restored Card


A card (which can even be a signed card) is ripped into four pieces. The spectator puts a finger on the pieces and the pieces magically restore themselves.


Before doing the trick ripp of one fourth of a card the same color. Then start with the card facing away from you and fold it into fourths. Explain to your audience that this is what makes it easier to tear the card evenly. Rip down the upper middle of the card. Now fold down the upper right corner and present the corner you ripped of earlier as the piece ripped of, make it look like you put it behind the card but keep it in your hand. Fold what is now the lower right corner behind the card. Now it will look like you are bending this same peice out but actually bring the hidden peice into view again. Pretend to rip it off. Place it behind the card and fold the card in half again. (really it is still together) Pretend to rip it in half again, but just slide the loose peice off the pile dramatically to look like it has ripped. Place this piece behind the card which is now folded up. Now even though the card is not ripped, you can fan the peices to make it look like three. Ask a spectator to place their fingers on the peices. As you set the pieces on the table, steal the loose piece with your thumb into another finger palm. Missdirect and place the ripped of piece in your pocket.

Impossible Card Location

Equipment needed: A pack of normal playing cards (no jokers)


You try to lose 3 cards in the pack so that it would be impossible to find them without cheating, but by the process of elimination, you find all of them, at the same time.


1: Chose three members of the audience and ask them each to pick and remember a card after the pack has been shuffed normally.

2:Tell them that you are going to try and lose the cards forever. Make up some waffle to keep the audience occupied.

3: While talking, brush of 15 cards from the top of the pack and place them to your right. Remove another 15 cards and place them to the left of the first pile. Then remove the next 10 and place them next to the second pile so that you are left with 9 in your hand.

4: Name the piles A B C from left to right so that the pile with 10 is A.. O.K

5: Ask one of the assistants to place his card on pile A and then take a few cards from pile B and put them on top of 'A' so that his card is lost.

6: Ask the second assistant to then place his card on top of 'B' and take a few cards of pile C and put them on pile B so that his card is lost.

7:Do exactly the same with assistant 3 and pile C except when putting cards on top of the pile so that his card is lost, use the 9 cards left over.

8: After all that collect up the piles so that pile A is at the bottom and pile C is at the top of the deck.

9: Secretly, take 4 cards of the top of the deck and put them at the bottom. (note- This step is very important)

10: Say to the audience, "I'll deal the cards into 2 piles, one pile will be face up and one will be face down. If you see your card in the face up pile shout stop so that I know the trick hasn't worked"!!

11: Deal the top card FACE UP and then deal the next card FACE DOWN next to the face up pile. Continue this until all the cards have been dealt. If you have followed all the steps, no-one will shout "stop"!

12: Put the face up pile to one side and then do step 11 again with the cards that have been dealt face down. Again, the assistants will not shout stop.

13: Repeat steps 12 and 11 until you are left with 3 cards.

14: Turn them over and you will get the 3 cards the assistants had. TADA

Tips & Hints: 1: Start dealing the piles A,B,C secretly just after the assistants have chosen their cards 2: When you are losing the 3 selected cards in piles A,B,C make the audience realise that the assistants can put any number of cards from the next pile on top of the selected card. It should improve the effect

The Three Amigos

Remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one jack face down on the top of the pack

Start the trick by presenting three jacks and make up a story that they are three best buddies and couldnt stand being apart.

Continue to rant on on how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way to seek help was to go in different directions.

the first one to get help was to come and get the others, so off they went in their different directions.

Get the spectator to place one jack on top of the pack, one anywhere in the middle and the last card on the bottom of the pack.

Confirm with the spectator that he is happy that the jacks are well seperated, then get him to cut the pack ensuring the bottom half of the pack are put on the top half

(This will bring the top and bottom jack together with the previously placed jack)

The cards are then turned face up from the top off the pack eventually turning over three jacks together near the center to the spectators amazement.

Conclude your story that in the end the friends were good to their word and all lived happy ever after.

Three Amigos

Remove the four Jacks from the pack and place one jack face down on the top of the pack

Start the trick by presenting three jacks and make up a story that they are three best buddies and couldnt stand being apart.

Continue to rant on on how one day the three amigos were lost in the desert and the best way to seek help was to go in different directions.

the first one to get help was to come and get the others, so off they went in their different directions.

Get the spectator to place one jack on top of the pack, one anywhere in the middle and the last card on the bottom of the pack.

Confirm with the spectator that he is happy that the jacks are well seperated, then get him to cut the pack ensuring the bottom half of the pack are put on the top half

(This will bring the top and bottom jack together with the previously placed jack)

The cards are then turned face up from the top off the pack eventually turning over three jacks together near the center to the spectators amazement.

Conclude your story that in the end the friends were good to their word and all lived happy ever after.

Card Levitation


The magician puts 1 or 4 cards under his hand. He slowly lifts his hand and the cards float with his hand. Holding his hand above the table, the magician pulls the card of his hand and drops the on the table.

Things needed: ring, matchstick, card(s)


1. Put the ring in your middle finger. Then put the matchstick under the ring so that both sides of the match stick out.

2. Place your hand palms down on the table and place a card under your palm but above the matchstick. You need to practice this move to make it look like your just placing a card under your palm not above a matchstick.

3. Now you can lift your hand from the table. Press your fingers down a little on the back of the cards, they will remain in position.

Appearing Card

Effect: A spectator picks a card out of a shuffled deck. You put it with three random cards, place the cards at the bottom of the deck, and shuffle. You take three cards from the bottom of the deck and ask the spectator if any of those are his. None are. These are laid on the table, one of the cards is flipped over, and the selection appears on the table.

How It's Done:

Ask a person to shuffle the cards and then choose one card. Have them give you the deck. Take three cards from the bottom. Tell the spectator to put their card on top of those three, then to place the four cards at the bottom of the deck.

Shuffle the deck, but be sure to keep the four bottom cards in the same spot.u se a false shuffle for this which can be looked up in any good magicians manual.Shuffle the cards a couple of times. Now take the first bottom card and place it face down on the table. Take the new bottom card and put it at the top of the deck. Place the other two bottom cards face down on the table. The last card you put down is the spectator's card. Be sure you have that card at the top of the tabled pile. Set the rest of the deck aside.

Pick up the tabled cards. Square them up, and hold them so the spectator can see the face of just the bottom card. Ask if this is their card. They will say no. Lower the cards so they are in dealing position and quickly deal the top card (actually their card) onto the table. If you do this naturally, without comment, they will think you dealt the card you just showed them.

Show them the top card from those in your hand, and ask if it is theirs. Again they will say no. Lay this card on the table. Finally, show them the last card in your hand and ask if it's the selection. When they say no, put this card onto the other two. Ask them what their card was. When they tell you, use the other two cards (like a spatula) to flip their card face up on the table. You have made their card appear!

Vanishing Card

Performer shows a pack of cards in its case. He withdraws the deck and announces he will magically make a card leave the deck invisibly. He requests that five cards be drawn. These cards are placed face down on the table so no one can see them. Performer now picks them up and asks someone in the audience to write down their names as he calls them off. After the cards are listed, he puts them back in the deck. Someone now looks through the deck trying to find the five selections. Only four are found in the deck! The performer opens the case the cards came in... the missing card is found to have left the pack and gone back into the case.

Explanation: When performer withdrew pack from the case, all he did was to leave one card in it, secretly learning its suit and number. When performer reads the names of the five cards, he says the name of this card instead of one of the drawn cards.

More To Come,Stay Tuned....


