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Welcome to My Place for War

My LOD Character Page and my Double Swing Barbarian Pages are now COMPLETE!

This part of my site is all about directing you to the place where you would want to be at the most. Medieval, futuristic, or computer games. I got a way to get you where you want to go.

If you are a barbarian lover your in the right place. Weapons and armor of medieval combat can be found here as well as a strategy for Diablo 2 LOD single player barbarians. As I said this site is about combat. I am most interested in medieval combat so thats why the largest part of my site deals with that aspect.

Old fashioned not quite your prefered place of combat? Futureistic combat more your style? Then come to the the web pages of Warhammer 40,000 at Games Workshop. And my army for Warhammer 40,000; the Forgotten Marines.

Not everything on this site is dealing with combat though. If you like computer games and your computer can download quickly, come to for some freeware games that are offered there.