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Big Sexy Rich Goss's page

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Welcome to my homepage. Its a work in progress.So keep that in mind if you see some blank spots.My name is Rich Goss and im 19 years old. And i live in Toledo, ohio. Soon to be living in California with my girlfriend Zenia. She means the world to me and she is the best thing that had ever happened to me. And I am very greatful to have met her.

This site is just a stupid site where i post recent pics or just talk about shit its kinda stupid I guess so ill just post pics of whatever I want cuz its mine and not HA! Well to start off I will begin to decribe myself.Like I said im 19. Live with my best friend Chris Benn.He kinda supports me which I dont feel comfortable with I actually hate the position I am in and for some reason there has never been an answer to the way out of it. But enough about my troubles.This is the ugly ass me! Yea im hideous, I know. But oh well. And this is my girlfriend Zenia... Isnt she beautiful? I dont care what you think. I think she is and that is all that matters.
Ugly me in Black and White






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